Cason and Will on Conan tonight

That's right. Usurper of Life Goal #1, Mr. Cason Cooley, along with my good friend Will Sayles, will be on Conan tonight. They're playing with an artist named Mat Kearney. Cason's playing bass, which is hilarious, and Will's on drums. I'm sure it will be killer. Check it out tonight and support the gang!
Reader Comments (11)
I think I'll print out some uber-awesome "AndyO rocks my face off!" picture from the Photos section and tape it up on the screen as I watch Cason tonight....
... although I don't think that will help *you* with your life goal.
But it will still be fun to do. :-)
I still can't believe that those two will be on there, it's like some kind of weird bizarro world version of Conan!
Mat Kearney is awesome. Looking forward to watching Conan.
Just finished watching Conan. I like Kearney's sound. Rhythm section was lovely. Methinks I'll be heading off to iTunes in the morning...
Watched the show.
Absolutely phenomenal stuff. I wish that TV sound was always well mixed. Oh well. Hey, the music was still great. Dual Vox amps make mouths happy.
Caught it....very weird to see someone you've hung out with (Cason), the guy who introduced you to Radiohead and Will Ferrel over pot roast, on Conan!
I believe, though, that I've capture on film Cason's actual debut on bass, after a concert in Delaware a couple of years ago.
The picture is at the end of the comments in" rel="nofollow">this thread.
If this blog doesn't allow that link to work, go to, find the post "MilePosts 6," and scroll down the comments.
yeah the performance was good....the mix was awful though...waaayyy too much guitar....just way too loud in the mix...but yeah, cason and will rocked it out
I just wanted to say I really appreciated the last post on doubt, thank-you for being authentic, I love it when people aren't fake, especially people who are trying to live for Christ as a Christian. So thanks again, in case I didn't tell you the other day...
Thank you for posting that video.
The video just got taken down.
Stinkin' NBC.