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the olden days

Randall's here and he just pulled this beauty of his attic and gave it to me...

Mark Lockett and I, years before the Normals, made all of our first band's tapes in his basement on this same model of 4-track. I've wanted to get one for years to mess with. I probably won't get to it until after the baby and the initial Caedmon's recording, but I'll try to cook something up for the site on it soon.

(As you can see, Ella's starting recording training today, as well...)

Reader Comments (4)

weird. i recorded my first ever recordings on that exact same thing when i was 14 years old at my uncle's house in pennsylvania. it was awful (the recording).

November 6, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterbhwhiteside

i like it
post some demos sometime. i would love to hear some of the tunes you tell us about.

November 6, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterjarred mccauley

... I saw one of these at a big garage sale. Why didn't I get it... idiot!

November 6, 2006 | Unregistered Commentertk

I used a Tascam 4-track as late as a year ago for demos (and even did a full length album on it just for the charm 2 years ago). I wish I knew as much about recording gear as I do now (which still isn't that much). I could have made a LOT better sounding stuff on it and not spent much more money. They really aren't that bad if you can put up with the small tape sound and half know what you're doing (which didn't really include me two years ago).

November 6, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterSeth Ellsworth

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