a wonderful sadness

I'm sitting in a hotel in Houston. The bus has left for Dallas with the rest of the gang. I've been on the tour for two days and it was so hard to leave! Getting to spend my days with some of my best friends, playing music and seeing the country. Few things are better than that. But being with my family as we grow is one of those things.
Randall and I were walking away as the bus pulled out and we were both feeling the same. A wonderful sadness. The ache of saying goodbye to something you were blessed to have had.
(STT: 648,750)
Randall and I were walking away as the bus pulled out and we were both feeling the same. A wonderful sadness. The ache of saying goodbye to something you were blessed to have had.
(STT: 648,750)
Reader Comments (5)
Perhaps the most amazing things about heaven is that we'll never run out of time to spend with those we love. There will never be times when we have to choose between two good things because there will be plenty of time for both. That's a cool thought.
Well said, Jud. Well said.
That is just awesome. And trying to wrap my mind around eternity....wow.
please don't publish a song with that title.
Andrew, the show was great. Your two songs were perfect and the whole toe story for Andy G had my wife and me in stitches. So happy you made it to Houston. You need to come and do a solo show here as soon as possible.
Ya? Miss those times too sometimes.