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Top 12

Well, this is pretty rad. Christianity Today just published their list of Top 12 albums of the year, and my album The Morning is on it. Number 11. Not too shabby. What's even cooler is that a few of my friends, Derek Webb and Bebo Norman, also made it on the list. Here's the link to check it out...

Here's another link, in case you've got the "Thanksgiving can't come soon enough" boredom. This is the audio and a slew of photos from my solo show last month in Marysville, WA. Many thinks to Tony Kevin for his help both putting on the show and making it available on the web. You can find the goods here...

I just got back from the rehearsal for Andrew Peterson's Christmas Tour. I have some pictures and will post them in a little bit. Right now, I'm really hungry...

STT: 452,340

Reader Comments (6)

Congratulations. I think this is the first time that two of the Square Pegs have been on the list in the same year. (Although Photographs almost made it in 2003 (

November 20, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterStephen

Hey man, thanks for linking to the page about the show, Andrew. I've been listening to it the last couple of days and am very happy with how good that show sounds.

November 20, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterGeof F. Morris

Yeah, I just got a whole slew of awesome pictures from the Marysville show from the same guy who recorded it and they are freaking awesome. He has an amazing camera and got some absolutely terrific shots. Please check those out. And comment if you want! here's a direct link to those:

can't wait to see the rehearsal pics man! Man... Peterson... We got to get him up here in Marysville... All the Square Pegs are doin' it! You're not cool unless you do a show in Marysville :)

November 21, 2006 | Unregistered Commentertk

You completely and totally deserve it. Congrats.

November 21, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterChris Rule

oh man Jars over Mute Math? who made this list? i mean i like Jars but them being above Mute Math is like putting George Bush over JFK, come on. there is a lot of good music on that list. 2 changes though, move Andy O up on the list and put Mute Math at number 1.

November 21, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterfritz

pssssst...spread the word...andy doesn't consider the Jars guys his friends! hey, he said it, not me. (and congrats on making the list andy! you absolutely deserve this. i've discovered other bands using this list in years past so i hope many more will say the same for you in years to come)

November 21, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterbryan a

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