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a serious inquiry

I've been debating about whether to post this for a little while now. I have decided to for two reasons 1) if you read this blog because you're curious about the kind of life us independent artists lead, this will give you much insight, and 2) I think some of you might have some great ideas.

And what is the topic of this most serious thought? Money. Specifically, where can I get some? Yeah, that sounds really weird, I know. Here's the scenario: I'm about halfway through with recording my next solo record. I've gotten about as far as I can get down in my own studio in my free time. The next step is recording drums, then I can come back here to finish up the tracking, and then it's going to go to someone to mix it. To record drums means going to another studio, hiring an engineer and a drummer. Any other parts I want played by someone other than me (keyboards, bass, strings or horns) generally carry a price tag for said instrumentalist and their talents.

I have people lined up to do all these things, almost all of whom are friends and are giving me great deals. The problem: until I have a new record to sell, I can't afford the deals. Catch-22.

Now I know I can get a bank loan or something, but we generally have tried to stay away from debt, and that is really a last resort. I could also sell some gear, but then I'd have nothing to play to make the record.

I have a few ideas of ways to raise some capital to fund the completion of this album, and I'd like to share them with you to see what you think. I also wonder if any of you might have any ideas I haven't thought of.

The first idea is to pre-sell copies of the album. You send me fifteen bucks today, in April when the record comes out, you're the first to get it. The downside of this is that I would have to pre-sell around at least three or four hundred to really knock it all out. That's not a crazy number at all, but having nothing to offer for six months is a hard sell. I don't know if there are that many people willing to do that. The upside is that I could maybe offer an extra disc to pre-sellers or something. A few extra tunes, maybe a free ticket to my next show in your area, something else you think of... This is a pretty strong option, though, I would just want people to know they weren't throwing their money away. Is it trustworthy?

The second idea is to try and get a grant from a foundation or corporation that supports independent arts. I'm working on this with a few different places, but it's a slow process. Anybody know of anything like that?

The third is to book a few small venue acoustic concerts as sort of fund-raisers for the record. No cover, but please give generously to help cover the costs. Probably awkward. Just an idea. You might have a better take on this.

The fourth is the old standby: the never-failing bachelor auction. "Two thousand dollars for my cousin Dean! Going once, going twice!!"

The thing is, it's not really that much money, but this lifestyle tends to be pretty month-to-month and part of putting out a new record is to hopefully get ahead a few months, you know?

I hope this doesn't come across weird. It's really just an obstacle I've got to get around, so why not be honest about it? Thanks for any input you might have, and here's hoping you love the record when it does get done.

And this has nothing at all to do with the subject, but its just amazing..

fat croc

Reader Comments (25)

Hey Andy. I am actually going through the same thing right now in recording a solo project. My little record probably would never stack up to yours in the area, but with your following I would think that the "pre-selling" idea could help. I know I would probably ditch ten minutes in the studio so that I could afford the fifteen bucks. I would suggest doing a couple of your ideas. The benefit shows would be a good idea. (But you'd have to play in MO so that I could come.) I will keep you in my prayers as this trial continues. I'm still stuck on the last two releases you put out so I could probably wait at least six more months. Peace of Christ to You,

September 27, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterNoble

Just a thought on the pre order idea.

For those that pre order the CD they would get lets say 3 songs as an mp3 in the state they are in now. Then as those 3 songs go through each process of it's creation it’s release to those who pre order.

Dude, I would jump on that like a flea on a dog.

In need of sleep,
Isaac Quinn

September 27, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterIsaac_Quinn

For exclusive content, I'd pre-order in a heartbeat. And I'm sure there are enough of us who will spread the word around internet land to hopefully get you that 300-400.

September 27, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterAmy

A not-so-serious response: how old is cousin Dean?


September 27, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterDixieMedley

27, and he looks just like me. We're starting a band called "evil twin". Do I hear three thousand??

September 27, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterAndrew Osenga

I like option 1. Count me in! Although maybe a combination of all the options would work.

September 27, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterSharon

Presales is a good idea and it's worked well for many musicians before. It's especially attractive if you offer a "3-song EP" extra which can just be acoustic workings of the songs (a preview!) or something like that.

The only problem is that you have to make good on your promise. I know some artists have gone down that road before and either a.) changed their minds about the album (it was going to be a double album, now its a single album or it was going to have an extra CD, but now it's just an extra EP) or b.) took way too long to finish the album. Both of those can cause a stink amongst the fanbase, especially if they have access to message boards!

September 27, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterjholland

I think it'd be cool to see some video clips of the process. Maybe the extra CD could be just a data CD with some .mov files on it.

Other ideas...a CD of old "live" stuff (solo, The Normals, or CC), a weekend stay at Hotel Osenga (lol), or maybe coupon codes for other AO merchandise (Christmas is coming, you know).

September 27, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterronzilla

"Money - where can I get some?" I have that thought often...

I, too, like the Pre-Sell idea, and I think there are probably several different good ways you can spice up the offer to motivate people to buy. What about offering a "private" part of your web site where you journal and post pictures of the entire record-making process?

Do you offer the chords/tab for your songs anywhere? Maybe that could be part of the equation.

Sticking with the "exclusive material" theme: what about going farther than chords and tablature? What about instructions from a master guitar player (that would be you) on how to play your specific songs? Maybe how you play a certain lick, or hammer on/off, or how you decided on a specific guitar tuning?

Hope this helps. God bless you!

September 27, 2005 | Unregistered Commentergdale777


we should go into business together. i'll make sure you sell 500 pre-copies, you tell all your indie friends that i am a magician. they all hire me to do the same. i quit being a scientist. we all live happily ever after.

have your daughter's dad call my father's son.


September 27, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterbryan a

I think the pre-sale is a great idea. I would definitely buy in. As a matter of fact, I expect that my entire band would buy one (or more) on pre-sale. So thats at least 5!

September 27, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterWDR

Hi Andy...

Chaia here. I'm not too good with ideas but I'll pray that you figure out a way to make it happen. Looking forward to a concert down here in Dallas. :)

Hope you and your wife and baby are doing well. We prayed for you during your accident-glad that you're doing well now!


September 27, 2005 | Unregistered Commentercchuff2004

Do you still have the toe lying around? e-bay baby!

September 27, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterDB

You forgot option Q and option R:


R: Philanthropists.

I'm with Allain.

September 27, 2005 | Unregistered Commentergfmorris

dude you can always rob a bank

September 27, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterdavidgrant

Hey, you were already talking about a Normals reunion concert, right?

Just charge $20 a head... and then tell the guys in the band that they were doing it for free... :-)

Seriously, though, I'd preorder the CD...

September 27, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterChris Hubbs

I would be more than willing to try to set up a show for you,if you could come on a Sunday morning and led worship at my Church I could tell you that we could do a love offering, but I don't know how much that would get you. E-mail me if you are interested at all. Sorry if this sounds strange. The pre-order thing is a good idea. I'd love to help you out, I can't wait for the new album.

September 27, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterEthanP

I like the idea of Isaac_Quinn, also. I usually buy pre-sales because of some other cool benefit, like exclusive content.

there's always the street corner...

September 27, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterbiggs

The Guild - osenga style. Be gutsy, have a fan club. at $15-20 per year, with the promise of a backstage pass and a cd, or exclusive online content you'd be rich...well maybe not rich, but maybe a few hundred extra bucks. To make it cheaper for you, all of the extra music, and a ep for the cd could be online, just from a password protected site.

You've said yourself that you have alot of unreleased stuff. For fans like me, we love it. I play early in the morning, the phenix, river golden, among others, all of the time. We, as fans, love that sort of stuff. Maybe you have some great live cuts somewhere, or hint hint, more normals stuff.

You could also for $10-15 a piece give shoutouts in the liner notes. For those of us who arent Geoff or Bryan or ronzilla, or have a last name of Peterson, Shive, Cooley, Webb, or anyone famous or that knows you, that'd be awesome. The Lord of the Rings DVD's did that, and made tons of money. I love making money, and love helping artists do so.

The normals concert though, that'll be huge, so treat it huge. It's not a question of selling out, is a question of how much money do you want to make while doing it. Have an exclusive cd available there. Have exclusive T-shirts for the one show, have $30-40 gold circles with backstage access. You could get rich quick.

September 27, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterdrew

you could always ask forefront to give an advance to an old friend for old times sake...

September 27, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterryanjames

Dude, you can get at least 5 grand out of Dean:). Seriously, they all sound like great ideas, do em all!

September 28, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterMark Miller

just put "following the blind" on there and you have a deal... by the way, the live recordings came out pretty good from the Varsity gig. So I will try and send you those once I have captured it all to my computer... I might even be able to get my friend sam to make a DVD of it for free.

September 28, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterEvan

seriously. on friday, when i get paid, you get 15 bucks.

September 28, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterAndy Vandergriff

I'd be all about the AO club, that sounds fun. I think B-Sides are fun!

We need to find you a rich old lady who just believes in your cause. Although, i'd be tempted to keep her for myself.

September 28, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterEllieStager

I'd pre order and I just saw you tonight for the first time. Heck, I'd sell my dorm and everything in it... if only I owned more then 1/3 of the stuff. Maybe I could sell my roommates. :) I'm at Northwestern and seriously- if there is anything we could do to help out- we're up for it.

October 1, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterjay-jo

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