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Sunday Night

We had a couple great shows this weekend. The first was in Maryland. We had a sold-out crowd who was really into everything. A bunch of the folks were there as well. We were having a good time just telling stories and cracking up in between songs. Probably annoying to people who payed money to hear us play SONGS, but hey, a good time's a good time...

We only got a few hours of sleep that night, and had a long day the next day before we actually got to get ready for our show in Wheaton, IL. We played at Wheaton College, where I actually applied and got turned down years ago. For some reason, divine I'm sure, I tried to get into the conservatory. I had to audition, which meant I had to read actual written music, which means I failed miserably, since I can barely read one note at a time. Anyway, I had a good time informing the crowd that instead of me paying Wheaton College to be there, that day, for me to be there, they were paying me. It was pretty fun. We were all wiped out, but I thought the show was really fun, and we had a good time. I played "early in the morning" and Josh, unbeknownst to me, slid up on the organ and came in at the ending. It was beautiful and a really exciting sound. He is a seriously talented musician, and I forget about that sometimes when we just play the same songs all the time.

My mom came to the show, too, which I really appreciated. She came with a couple from church that she's become friends with, and we got to have dinner together before the show. She wasn't feeling too well, so it was all the more special that she drove two hours each way to see me play.

Tomorrow I have a couple of meetings and will get back into finishing the mixes for Jake Randall's project. I've listened to most of the iTunes songs you recommended Thursday, and will leave my thoughts on them in another day or two. Thanks again for everybody who came out to the shows this weekend, and to all who said hey. It really is wonderful to be reminded again that people actually care about you, and the music you create. I don't take it for granted. Have a great week!

Reader Comments (7)

glad to hear the weekend was a success. come to Arkansas sometime and play. there are alot of people here that care about you and your music.

September 26, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterNickFlora

Andy: It was ridiculously awesome to see you guys on Friday, even if you were tired out of your minds and didn't play a whole lot of music. The Cliff-and-Andy Revue was great.

As for Moore ... good gravy, man. I kept watching him all Friday night, doing these awesome flourishes on the Hammond. Dude is something else. I love that guy.

September 26, 2005 | Unregistered Commentergfmorris


j-mo mentioned something to me about working an iMix dealio with some dotnetters. tell his people to call my people. and tell Jack that Desmond was training for "a race around the world"...hmmm...

September 26, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterbryan a


My wife and I were at the Wheaton show and you and Trip were the highlights. Looking forward to seeing you in Champaign.

September 26, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterwidget


Hey, I'm new to your site. Listen, I'm a poor post-college student (whatever that means), but I would be willing to do whatever it takes to help you out. I've been excited about what you've been doing since it all started for you (and even more at the Wayland Baptist University concerts the Normals did). Again, let me know if there is anything I can do, whether it's $15 for a presale cd, getting you to perform somewhere (if I can pull that off) or selling my kidney to science ;).

You can email me if you want at or you can leave a comment on my blog:


September 27, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterkschaub


Friday night in Joppa felt, at times, sort of like a private concert for the dot netters. Felt kinda bad for all those people there who paid $22 to watch us chat it up :wink:

Well...maybe that young pup that opened was for them...

September 30, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterthe foolish sage

New guy here! Sure, I would have liked more songs, especially more sung by Danielle and from Share The Well; but the evening as a whole was great. Trip was a great surprise, and a pleasure to talk with (from one bass player to another- yet we hardly spoke about bass!) If he's unavailable, drop me a line. If you need someone to play on the new album, let me know- I'm probably even cheaper!

October 4, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterDanzilla

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