that wasn't so bad...

Well... That went a LOT better than I'd expected. I'd say it was actually one of my favorite Caedmon's shows yet. It wasn't "perfect" but it was a lot of fun. The crowd was absolutely amazing and they let me feel really natural while singing the songs I wasn't as comfortable with.
Josh was here and, once again, saved the day with his ability to play any instrument at any minute in any key on any song. He'd just sense what wasn't working and fill those holes.
We also played Crowded House's "Don't Dream It's Over", Josh took the second verse, and it was really fun. I imagine it won't be the last time.
Still haven't heard from Cliff and Danielle yet, but I'll let you know when I do.
So thanks to all of you for your prayers and encouragement, and THANK YOU to all the folks at the show tonight. I had a blast and you guys were great. (Except for the clapping...)
Josh was here and, once again, saved the day with his ability to play any instrument at any minute in any key on any song. He'd just sense what wasn't working and fill those holes.
We also played Crowded House's "Don't Dream It's Over", Josh took the second verse, and it was really fun. I imagine it won't be the last time.
Still haven't heard from Cliff and Danielle yet, but I'll let you know when I do.
So thanks to all of you for your prayers and encouragement, and THANK YOU to all the folks at the show tonight. I had a blast and you guys were great. (Except for the clapping...)
Reader Comments (16)
Wow, "Don't Dream It's Over." Does somebody have video of this to share? Because it needs to be shared.
Hey Andrew (or anyone else who knows the answer), speaking of covers, does Caedmon's still cover Walk On The Ocean? 'Cause that was a great one... Glad it went so well for ya tonight.
Oh man! As a student at Liberty University I was only an hour away from the concert tonight, but Liberty made me take a test at 7Pm to see whether or not I knew how to use a computer. I was so mad. A test. At 7Pm. On a Sat! There is no justice.
Where was derek during this show??
I love "Don't Dream It's Over", that's a great song! If you kept that in the set list for the show in Suwanee, I certainly would not complain.
Michael: Derek is mainly playing solo shows right now [and not many of those], but he will tour with the band come the spring.
Thanks, Geof, I can alway trust you to have the info.....
I wish I could have heard Andy do a whole Caedmons set..... that would have been priceless.
hey man, great concert. and thank you for the comin back out for the last encore song. you rock, sorry about the clapping problems, that was my lil group that started that mess up.
Glad to hear it tuned out well. God helps out in all thing. Hope you hear good news soon on your frinds Danelle and Cliff's new daughter. Till then I'll keep praying.
glad it went well dude, wish i could have been there -I'm sure it rocked!
Wow, please tell me someone captured the audio of this show. I would love to hear it! Andy, we're sure you were great!
Dude, great show on Saturday night! At first I was a little bummed about Cliff and Danielle not being there, but you more than made up for it. Your solo stuff was awesome as usual and you did a bang up job on old school Caedmon's stuff like "40 Acres" and "Hope to Carry On". I loved the cover of "Don't Dream It's Over" too. And my wife and I were laughing the whole rest of the night about you correcting the clapping! And the random story you decided to tell the band in the middle of the concert...hilarious! I almost yelled out to request "Apron Full of Stains" or "Blessing Curse" but figured that's not what the rest of the crowd came to hear. Thanks for the great show, man. I was not dissappointed,
one word: wishicouldhavebeentherebutlivesofaraway
seriously though, if anyone in the greater Dallas area wants to get a AO show together, let me know...I've got a church we could use. ;)
Can someone explain what happened with the correcting of the clapping? This sounds like a good story.
Andy had to stop in the middle of a song to ask that the audience quit clapping. Their timing was off, and it was throwing him off. I was not involved. I learned long ago that I should not attempt singing and clapping at the same time.
Well, first he tried to fix the clapping. That worked for awhile. And then he had to make 'em stop. Crazy-bad clappers, they were! This is why I just dance (ok, more like wiggle in a dancy way).
'Twas an excellent concert. I hadn't seen Caedemon's Call since college (I graduated in '01), and this was just as good as their concerts back then. It'll be AWESOME to see the whole band together in the spring.