Well, I went to the doctor today to see about my foot. The bandage has been on since my operation Saturday, and I couldn't believe what it looked like when they took it off. I won't describe it, because it's gross, but maybe I can set up a place to look at pictures, if you're really curious and not squeamish. Anyway, the doctor said it didn't look like it would make it, but that we ought to give it another two days to see if it would improve. It's going to have to improve pretty drastically, though. Otherwise, when I go in on Thursday they'll schedule the amputation for Friday.
I've dealt with the thought of losing this toe now for a few days, and I'm ok with it. I'm not excited about it, but I have seen with my own eyes people living lives in uncompromised misery and squalor, and missing a toe would be heaven to some of the Indian orphans I spent time with last year. So don't feel bad for me, because I don't. That being said, I do feel bad for my wife who's having to take care of an eight-week old little baby girl, and now a 26-year old doped up on pain medicine who thinks he can do far more things than he's truly able to do. I don't know if I've ever realized how great she is, but I'm realizing it now and praying for her rest, patience and sanity.
My pain medication has been making me kind of nauseous, but I tend to feel a lot better before noon. Each morning Alison has brought Ella into the guest room, where I'm sleeping right now, and she stays with me for a few hours, while Alison gets a little more rest and gets ready for the day. Ella is still learning to smile, and she's most likely to try it out in those morning hours, and that's really fun. I am so in love with my little girl. Here's a picture I took with my phone this morning, to show you why, toe or not, no one should feel sorry for me.

Thank you also, to the many of who you have sent me e-mails of encouragement and letting me know you were praying for me. That really means a lot. And I really feel that people are praying for us. The doctor said we were waiting "on a miracle" with saving my toe, and so I'm not counting on keeping it, but I'm not giving up either. Whatever the Lord wills, I know He has a reason, and I know He answers prayer.
I would like to ask for prayer for one other thing, as well. Because of my inability to get up and move around I have had to cancel over a week of studio work, and a few shows, one in Florida with Andrew Peterson. The Lord provides, and I have seen Him do that more than most people, I am pretty sure. With the cancelling of those Caedmon's tour dates so we could have Ella, and all the little things with a new baby, and now all the medicines and doctor deductibles on this toe, though, I'm curious how He IS going to provide right now. I think the fact that I have to sit around and not do anything doesn't help when I get to worrying. I know everything will work out, but I would just like to know that our finances are being lifted up as much as my little, purple friend. So thank you for that, as well.
In other news, Matthew Perryman Jones and Cason have been working today on a great new tune for Matthew's new record, that we'll hopefully be working on sometime soon. The rumbling from the basement sounds pretty great, so I'm excited for that to get going. Hopefully, I'll get some good writing done whie I've got to sit here, and if any of my new stuff sounds like "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds" just know that I'm on some good painkillers! Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers, and I'll keep you updated. Thanks.