who needs ten toes?

Hey everybody,
I had an accident while mowing the lawn today, and I cut two of my toes very badly. Three of them are broken. I just got home from the emergency room. They operated on them, and I still have them all, but one of them, my middle toe, was just short of being sliced off. I go back on Tuesday to see if it "took". So I don't know if I'll get to keep it. My big toe, the other one that got badly cut, is better and will probably heal ok. I'll be on crutches for a while, though. Please keep me and my family in your prayers. Thanks.
I had an accident while mowing the lawn today, and I cut two of my toes very badly. Three of them are broken. I just got home from the emergency room. They operated on them, and I still have them all, but one of them, my middle toe, was just short of being sliced off. I go back on Tuesday to see if it "took". So I don't know if I'll get to keep it. My big toe, the other one that got badly cut, is better and will probably heal ok. I'll be on crutches for a while, though. Please keep me and my family in your prayers. Thanks.
Reader Comments (17)
Wow! I'm sorry to hear that, Andy! Take your Codine and stay horizontal:) I'll be praying for you! I srewed up my foot pretty badly a couple years ago where I couldn't walk for 4 months so I know what its like. In the mean time, kick back with about 147 fluffity puffity marshmellows, a tall glass of melonade, and some homestar on the old apple.
we'll keep you in our prayers! how the heck did you get your foot caught in the mower????? also, i highly suggest renting the arrested development dvd's during your recovery, they say that laughter is the best medicine!
Dude! I hate to read that. As you recover and we keep you on our hearts, two things:
1. We shall start the Andy Osenga Steel-Toed Combat Boots for Mowing Fund immediately.
2. There've been NFL guys who've played with less than the standard issue number of toes. "You can do eeet!"
I'll definitely be praying for you.
I think that could be the saddest story i've heard in a while. I hope your toes get better. I'll email you tomorrow about the pedal.
2 words: riding mower.
If the middle one doens't 'take', then maybe you can put a string through it and wear it around your neck. That'd be way cool. ;)
Glad your life isn't on the line, though. Hope all goes well Tuesday.
ouch! well, if your toe causes you to sin...
seriously though, i hope all goes well for you. may you have peace surpassing understanding in Christ.
My heart and prayers go out to you... and to your family.
Heal quickly brother...
New band name:
Nine-toed Andy and the Band of Doom...
Hope you'll still be able to work the new pedal board(s). I'm guessing you didn't make it to the new church....
Praying for a speedy recovery
Man I am so sorry to hear that. I will be praying for you, brother.
Here's hoping that everything goes well at the doctor's today... keep us informed.
[...] speaking of pictures, i will have pictures of my cowbell experience soon. andy osenga, Caedmon’s 9-toed (freak lawnmower accident) lead guitarist, mentioned me in his blog post about the show. I’m still not sure what to make of Cliff’s latest travel possibilites. According to him, I could be traveling abroad with the band again this fall. But if you know anything about Cliff, you know that the chances of it actually happening lie somewhere between “no way” and “definitely”, which is why i don’t know what to make of it. we’ll see. speaking of traveling with the band, if you want to go to the Holy Land with Caedmon’s Call, this december you’ll get your chance. more on that at this week. [...]
[...] This album was one of the best records released last year, in my opinion. Ben Shive, who has toured with Andy for the last several years playing keyboards, produced it, along with Andrew Osenga’s Right Middle Toe, Esq. acting as Assistant Executive Producer (although I’m not sure how active it was - see here and here). [...]
[...] It is a beauty of a Saturday afternoon here in Nashville. I just finished mowing the lawn and now I’m inside cooling off and watching my beloved LSU Tigers play Auburn on television. There were no lawnmower incidents, thank you very much. [If you have no idea what I’m referencing, go here to read up on fellow Square Peg, Andrew Osenga’s woeful experience while grass-cutting] [...]
[...] +Andy Osenga, Caedmon’s Call member and owner of only 19 digits, just released an EP over at his website called Letters to the Editor, Vol. 1. You can download it for free, and if you have a soul like it, you can donate some money for the disc through paypal. What’s so special about it? A month or two ago Andy petitioned readers of his blog for song ideas, either a specific line or just a story, and then he built songs around what he received. He even had blog readers send in background vocals that they recorded on their own computers for him to use in the songs. It’s a brilliant idea that few could pull off, but Andy can (and did) because he is extremely talented. I haven’t listened to the EP yet, but i will probably give it a spin today. [...]