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Entries from June 1, 2008 - June 30, 2008


Lando's last day

Happy Monday, fellow internet people. Hope you guys had a good weekend. I went up to Merrillville, IN with Caedmon's, where we played at the national convention for the Salvation Army. Now that's an organization that was not even on my radar, but I was really impressed and inspired by the things they have going on.

At the airport on the way there I ran into my airport-only friend Shaun Groves. He was ahead of me in the Southwest line, and behind a guy who had a guitar on his back. The guitar had a sticker that said "GTR 2 - BDW", which I of course instinctively took to understand that this was the guitar player for none other than Lando himself: Billy Dee Williams. I informed Shaun of my discovery when our sections of line were next to each other, and he told me the guy was in a band called Big Daddy Weave. I have a hard time believing it. Go Lando!!!

Today I start producing a new record for Andy Dolson, which I'm excited about. I played guitar on his last record and really enjoyed working with him, so this should be fun.

The launch date for the new site is tomorrow, so stay tuned! See you tomorrow.


Well, a bunch of people asked me to sign up for this thing called Twitter. So I did. If you're into that you can find me HERE.

In other news, I've been working on a project for Nick Flora (aka Coin Laundry Loser) and it's going really well. He writes great songs and performs really well. Yesterday we got seven acoustic guitar tracks and two lead vocals. That's sort of astounding. Today should be another fun day.

Oh, also... THIS is one of the funnier things I've read in a long time. At least to me and my weird sense of humor.

Things this awesome can't really be true, can they?

Sure, I'm glad Barack's in and Hillary's out, but really THIS is the most wonderful news I could have possibly hoped for.

Andy can't talk

I was feeling kind of crummy this weekend. Just worn out and a little sinus nasty. Playing in the heat Sunday actually helped me feel a little better, but our bus driver was Walter from The Big Lebowski and none us got much sleep the way he drove.

So Monday night I played a show here in town. Had a great band, really fun show. I sang really well, and I kept thinking "this is way easier than I expected" thinking that my voice would be having a hard time. Well, ten minutes after "Santa Barbara", our last song, my voice completely gave out. Disappeared.

I had a session yesterday, producing a record for uber-artist to the stars Nick Flora. But I had to call in sick today. Something I haven't done in an incredibly long time. I just can't do much without talking.

I had to run a few errands today, though. Went by Sputnik and heard a new tune Jars just finished up. Sounds incredible. They keep being such a good band. I kind of wish they'd let me join them, just for a little while.

Now I'm off to cut one last tune at Eckberg's place, and then hopefully back to bed. I have to finish up a couple details for the new website and we'll be ready for launch. Can't wait.

I'm an honorary River Dog.

I'm on the bus now, on our way home from South Carolina. Today Caedmon's played after a game of the River Dogs, Charleston's AAA baseball team. The stadium was really cool, on the edge of a peninsula, and the walkway all around the outside of the building looked out over the marsh. A bit surreal, and really gorgeous.

Of course, I didn't get any good pictures of that stuff, but I did take some right before, and during, the show tonight.

It was hot. Stupid hot. 97Ëš and super humid. And I ran about two miles this afternoon, which was, in a word, dumb. But I digress. I went and got my camera right before we started to play, took it out of the case and snapped this shot, while the humidity had just fogged up the lens...

We were kind of going for a U2 Popmart production with the stage setup tonight...

The adoring throngs...

Believe it or not, this was during some slightly long-winded song explanation. These rarely happen at Caedmon's shows and I felt it deserved to be documented.

I took this over Todd's shoulder while he was playing the beginning the song "Hands of the Potter". What a great beard.

After we had packed up and the crowd cleared out I took this shot, and I just thought it was cool.

And I took this one behind the stadium to show my daughter Ella, who really likes dandelions.

Thanks to everybody who came out, and to Tim who brought me the hat with the picture of his dog, Caedmon, on it. It's awesome.

Hope to see any and all Nashvillains Monday night at the Rutledge. I've got a great band (Todd Bragg, Cason Cooley, Aaron Sands and Jason Feller) and we go on at 8. Then we're all playing for Emily Deloach later in the evening. Love to see you there!!
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