Dig it.

Things I'm digging right now:
(in no particular order)
- The new Arcade Fire record. Dang.
- Thinking about the two Michael Chabon books I've recently read (The Yiddish Policeman's Union & The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay).
- The fact that my studio is clean.
- Today two of my dearest friends had babies. Congrats to Cason & Katie and Nick & Carrie!
- The tracks I'm working on for one of my favorite artists, Eric Vinson. Can't wait for you to hear them.
- PSP audioware plugins. All you audio nerds should check them out. Particularly the OldTimer and the VintageWarmer.
- Also, the samples in ProTools 8 are making me surprisingly happy.
- We just cancelled our cable but are doing the Netflix streaming thing. So cool! My wife won't stop watching Friday Night Lights.
- I'm playing some more Jars of Clay shows in October and I just found out they're doing the entire self-titled record from start to finish. 15-year old Andy could not be happier.
- The book I'm currently reading, for the second time. Jonathan Strange & Mr Norell is a giant novel about magic in the early 1800s in London and is written in the tone of a Jane Austen novel. It's brilliant and the second read is even more enjoyable.
I think that's it for me. How about you?
Reader Comments (9)
Also, seasons 10-12 of "Top Gear" are up for streaming which is awesome even if you don't like cars, and last but not least...
It's not up for streaming yet, but, if DVDs are coming to your house, please put a show called "Foyle's War" in your queue. It's definitely one of the coolest shows I've seen since "The West Wing."
I know I'm about eight years behind the curve, but I finally decided the hype had died down enough and I decided to read The Purpose-Driven Life. And I'm digging it.
I'm also digging Telecasters. Shopping for one now.
- I'm reading "The Story of Christianity" by Justo Gonzalez. It's a wonderfully readable history book, and it's like reading about my ancestors. Good stuff!
- NPR's First Listen rocks! :) http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=98679384
I'll try to make up for it by saying that I'm digging Paul Dempsey's new record "Everything Is True," re-reading A Severe Mercy by Sheldon Vanauken, and Larkin Poe's new EP, "Summer."