The only things in life to fear are death and taxes (or something like that...)

Well, with plenty of time to spare I have again filed taxes like a (barely) responsible citizen. Now that I'm no longer in The Normals I make enough money to have to file every year. Wow, what a blessing.
So once again my internet savior, Geof Morris, has risen to the occasion and fixed my website. You'll now notice it actually loads. Thank you, Geof. Now I can actually update my blog. I'll be updating a few other things around here as well. Mainly to reflect projects I'm working on as a producer or my new solo work exclusive to Brite Revolution.
I'm playing another full-band rock and roll show here in Nashville in about two weeks. April 27, to be exact. I've heard from about four different folks that they're planning on coming in from out of town, even out of state to catch this show. Aside from the fact that I'm incredibly honored that someone would take all that time to see a dude sing eight or nine tunes and play a few guitar solos, I'm also thinking we should make something out of it. Seems like we ought to invite others to come as well and all meet for dinner someplace great and local. Anybody else out there want in? I'll be thinking of a great place to go...
Well, since I'm finally back to the blogosphere I thought I'd make a couple lists, since that's mainly what the internet is for. Here we go:
Top 5 things I've been listening to:
1. U2 - No Line on the Horizon
2. White Stripes - Icky Thump
3. Fleet Foxes - Sun Giant EP
4. David Byrne and Brian Eno - Everything That Happens Will Happen Today
5. Wes Pickering - Being Born EP
Top 5 things I've been reading:
1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (again)
2. The Stranger - Albert Camus (disturbing)
3. A friend's work-in-progress about her life growing up and leaving a cult (inspiring)
4. Handbook to Prayer - Kenneth Boa (thanks Randy!)
5. boring information about people I don't know (thanks to the weird new facebook layout)
Top 5 things I'd rather be doing
1. reading on a beach in Hawaii with my wife
2. writing in a notebook at Malibu Lodge, Vancouver
3. going down a giant waterslide into a pool of ice-cold lemonade (huh??)
4. being able to get decent U2 tickets
5. sleeping in, every day
Top 5 things I'm thrilled to be doing
1. waking up every day to the face of my four-year old wanting to play
2. receiving plucked dandelions from my very excited two-year old
3. producing a project for super-dude Kevin Lawson at Sputnik
4. living in this neighborhood with these friends
5. actually getting to see and touch my wife every day, instead of just connecting over the phone
Top 5 things I will do before sleeping tonight:
1. watch last week's Dollhouse (which is getting better and may turn into an actual good show)
2. read a little of List #2, Item #1 (and possibly item #4)
3. stick in some ear plugs
4. put a pillow over my face
5. sigh
So once again my internet savior, Geof Morris, has risen to the occasion and fixed my website. You'll now notice it actually loads. Thank you, Geof. Now I can actually update my blog. I'll be updating a few other things around here as well. Mainly to reflect projects I'm working on as a producer or my new solo work exclusive to Brite Revolution.
I'm playing another full-band rock and roll show here in Nashville in about two weeks. April 27, to be exact. I've heard from about four different folks that they're planning on coming in from out of town, even out of state to catch this show. Aside from the fact that I'm incredibly honored that someone would take all that time to see a dude sing eight or nine tunes and play a few guitar solos, I'm also thinking we should make something out of it. Seems like we ought to invite others to come as well and all meet for dinner someplace great and local. Anybody else out there want in? I'll be thinking of a great place to go...
Well, since I'm finally back to the blogosphere I thought I'd make a couple lists, since that's mainly what the internet is for. Here we go:
Top 5 things I've been listening to:
1. U2 - No Line on the Horizon
2. White Stripes - Icky Thump
3. Fleet Foxes - Sun Giant EP
4. David Byrne and Brian Eno - Everything That Happens Will Happen Today
5. Wes Pickering - Being Born EP
Top 5 things I've been reading:
1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (again)
2. The Stranger - Albert Camus (disturbing)
3. A friend's work-in-progress about her life growing up and leaving a cult (inspiring)
4. Handbook to Prayer - Kenneth Boa (thanks Randy!)
5. boring information about people I don't know (thanks to the weird new facebook layout)
Top 5 things I'd rather be doing
1. reading on a beach in Hawaii with my wife
2. writing in a notebook at Malibu Lodge, Vancouver
3. going down a giant waterslide into a pool of ice-cold lemonade (huh??)
4. being able to get decent U2 tickets
5. sleeping in, every day
Top 5 things I'm thrilled to be doing
1. waking up every day to the face of my four-year old wanting to play
2. receiving plucked dandelions from my very excited two-year old
3. producing a project for super-dude Kevin Lawson at Sputnik
4. living in this neighborhood with these friends
5. actually getting to see and touch my wife every day, instead of just connecting over the phone
Top 5 things I will do before sleeping tonight:
1. watch last week's Dollhouse (which is getting better and may turn into an actual good show)
2. read a little of List #2, Item #1 (and possibly item #4)
3. stick in some ear plugs
4. put a pillow over my face
5. sigh
Reader Comments (17)
The Ohio folks would be up for that! Just let me know what you've got in mind and we'll be there. Right now I've got me plus one more guy for sure, and three others tentative pending discussions with their wives/college professors of the classes they'd have to skip.
I filed the taxes for which I was getting a refund months ago. I've yet to file my local tax for which I owe a small chunk of change. Better get on that I suppose.
Dollhouse = most uneven show based on the best premise. So much promise. *shakes fist at Josh Whedon.
Skip Dollhouse...you should be watching the Wire, State of Play, or the IT Crowd instead.
I recommend liberal use of the "hide" function on the weird new facebook layout. And I give you express permission to hide me and Jaron. And anyone who takes a lot of quizzes. :)
As always, thanks for making my afternoons a little more entertaining.
And I love the second sentence. (Even if I do miss you guys being together.)
Will do whatever you want to do that evening for dinner. Your town, your call...
I was going to say that I disagree with you that it is just a dude singing some songs. It may be that way for you in the same way that I just think about network infrastructure and administration all day because it is my work, but I promise you that getting to hang out in April is more than that to me. It is a chance to take some time off. To do something purely because it is fun and not necessarily the most responsible thing that needs done at that moment. It is a chance to soak in a new town and new experiences. It is a time to hear one of my favorite singers do what they do best in the same way a surgeon performs small miracles every time he merely "works". It is a chance to reflect on every good and bad time that I have had while using your music as a soundtrack to frame those contexts. It is a chance to fellowship with new people. Finally for me it is a chance...
As for facebook, let me just say to everyone. No one cares what you had for breakfast, lunch or dinner. You can wish everyone a happy birthday and we are all okay. You can wish everyone a good time on fill in the blank holiday. No one cares which cartoon character you are most like or what you scored on a statistically irrelevant IQ test. No I will install some crappy facebook app that will likely be exploited soon and used to infect my Windows systems with some malware. Other than that it is great.
What a nice compliment to see that my work in progress made your top five list. I am humbled. Can't wait for the show on April 27. I hope you'll be playing that special guitar! : )
Dude, I'm there. Also, I want you to play my granddaddy's Gibson if you'll be playing an acoustic and it fits. ;)
Also, I am so in for dinner.
I've liked what I've read from Ken Boa. I have Handbook to Prayer but haven't had a chance to read it. I wish I could make the April 27th show...guess we'll just have to encourage Geof to do his recording magic yet again.
I'm also thinking about driving out to see the show. i need to make a trip with the volvo anyway, so i'll be there unless we have young life that night, then i obviously won't be there, since it will be our last club of the year. But if i do come, i can definitely make it for some sort of dinner plans.
I'm thinkin' about it. It's time for another road trip.
OK, I'm in. It's only a 10-hr drive from Iowa.
I'm in and have a hotel for myself, Mr. Hubbs, and Mr. Terry. I also will polish up all the recording gear by then.
This is gonna be fun, getting to meet a couple folks whom up to this point have been nothing but names. Why do I feel the sudden need to attach "first annual" to this show?
Jud, it's making me want to do an OsengaFest. Heh.
Dude Zach scored Father Maple tickets to U2 in Dallas. I don't mean to brag... Just letting you know that we will probably ask Bono to dedicate a song to you. Any requests?
Hey man...word on the five mile runs in the earlier post. My instructors just had us do our 2nd five mile run the other day. Mile three sucks buttermilk!! Just thought I would make an appearance. Later
Feel free to hide me on facebook. I, however, usually find your status updates entertaining.