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Entries from April 1, 2006 - April 30, 2006


After the Garden

This post will only be active for a few days, but here is the first full song from my new album "The Morning". Do me a favor, if you like this tune, tell all your friends about coming here to hear it. Stay posted, I'll post three more songs throughout the week. Hope you enjoy it and I'd love your feedback.

[audio: After the Garden.mp3]

P.S. Let me know if this audio player works for you. I can get it to open on Safari and FireFox, but not Internet Explorer. And do any of those work for you PC guys? Thanks.

pie in the sky

Just in case you were curious... No, I wouldn't be mad at you if you bought me this guitar on ebay.


Dubuque, IA, part deux

Josh and I are sharing a room tonight and we're sitting up watching an incredible documentary on Jimi Hendrix. Dang, that dude was unreal. I need to start listening to him more. He's one of those guys you know is good but when you spend a few minutes watching him play, it's pretty staggering.

So tonight's show might have been the most fun I've ever had being a part of Caedmon's Call. The whole band was there tonight. Jeff and Danielle haven't been at many shows over the past number of months and to have them back was great. Trip and Crystal, who've been filling in, have been wonderful, and they've done a really good job. There's just something about being in a band, though, that only comes with time; time spent together playing and writing and just being through life with each other.

It's honestly something I never thought I'd experience with Caedmon's. The Normals had a very intense feeling of comraderie and there was nothing like knowing you were a part of that band. It was such an amazing time that I have probably kept myself from really committing to Caedmon's in some ways, out of some feeling of obligation, probably. I shouldn't be scared, though. It's the type of thing that you're more than lucky to have had once.

Tonight, though, we really clicked, and more than musically. It was so fun to have the freedom to play knowing everybody was there and aware. Looking around and seeing each other, my good friends, having fun just inspires you to get into it more. The crowd was just great tonight and we got to play a bunch of songs we haven't in a long time. I started the show off playing the intro lick to "Lead of Love" and just started grinning and didn't stop until, well, I still sort of am. Cliff picked a great set of some of the classic old tunes, and we played a couple extras that weren't on the set list, just because we were having so much fun.

In a quick guitar nerd note, for the past few years I've used two amps a lot, one with big delays and modulations and one dry, always at the same time. The past few months I've started just bringing one amp out and have been getting into that. Tonight they had a great old AC30 for me and a killer old Fender Blues Deluxe. I decided to use them both, just one at a time, trying different ones on different songs or different sections of songs. It was fun switching back and forth and I really enjoyed the unique tones I got from each.

Josh is now watching a game show where people are competing with electric drills. Wait, it's an infomercial. Maybe I should buy one of those. He also just showed me this amazing clip. That's just crazy.

Well, it's going to be a short night of sleep tonight, so I better try to get as much of it as I can. Thanks for reading and saying hello. Thanks to everybody who came out tonight. It was really a blast and I hope we can keep having this much fun.

It's just been too long since I jumped off a drum riser.

Dubuque, IA

I'm at a hotel in Dubuque, IA. I was hoping to write a nice long blog post, have a couple of ideas, but I got four of sleep last night, so I'm going to take a nap instead. So I guess I'm just dropping in to say hello. Have a great weekend!

Alias is still dumb

I'm trying to watch it again tonight because Will was in the commercials. He was my favorite character and it's been really stupid ever since. He wasn't in it tonight. The commercial lied. Evil. This show is just dumb. There's some gigantic, enormous, life-changing revelation about every six minutes... sort of like jr. high, but with worse acting...

In other news I've posted about twenty new tour dates, some Caedmon's, some solo. There are a few more solo shows in the works that will be up as soon as I get enough info.

I had a good writing session today with Jonathan Salas today. We wrote a pretty cool tune that I hope makes it on his record, which will come out sometime late this year, I think.

Tomorrow I'm writing with a fellow named Robby Hurd and then playing a showcase with Chris Mason for a couple labels. It's one of these really weird industry things where you play as a band with lights and sound and all that jazz for a room of about six people. Ostensibly they get to see the band in action, but it's a very different experience. At least for the artist. The Normals did one waaaaaaaay back before we were even called "The Normals". We played for two people. They didn't like us. Oh well. We were pretty awful back then, so I can't blame them.

Alison is with her girlfriends tonight and I'm at home with Ella. Later tonight I'll be heading out to see my friend and neighbor Christopher Williams play a set at the Blue Bird Cafe. I've seen movies about that place, heard of it well before I lived here, live about six minutes from it, but I've never been there before. It'll be fun.

Ok, Sydney just had a baby in about two minutes, AND it was clearly a doll. This show is so dumb. I'll write again tomorrow. Take care everybody, and thanks for the kind comments and e-mails after the lost post. You guys are the best.