Alias is still dumb

I'm trying to watch it again tonight because Will was in the commercials. He was my favorite character and it's been really stupid ever since. He wasn't in it tonight. The commercial lied. Evil. This show is just dumb. There's some gigantic, enormous, life-changing revelation about every six minutes... sort of like jr. high, but with worse acting...
In other news I've posted about twenty new tour dates, some Caedmon's, some solo. There are a few more solo shows in the works that will be up as soon as I get enough info.
I had a good writing session today with Jonathan Salas today. We wrote a pretty cool tune that I hope makes it on his record, which will come out sometime late this year, I think.
Tomorrow I'm writing with a fellow named Robby Hurd and then playing a showcase with Chris Mason for a couple labels. It's one of these really weird industry things where you play as a band with lights and sound and all that jazz for a room of about six people. Ostensibly they get to see the band in action, but it's a very different experience. At least for the artist. The Normals did one waaaaaaaay back before we were even called "The Normals". We played for two people. They didn't like us. Oh well. We were pretty awful back then, so I can't blame them.
Alison is with her girlfriends tonight and I'm at home with Ella. Later tonight I'll be heading out to see my friend and neighbor Christopher Williams play a set at the Blue Bird Cafe. I've seen movies about that place, heard of it well before I lived here, live about six minutes from it, but I've never been there before. It'll be fun.
Ok, Sydney just had a baby in about two minutes, AND it was clearly a doll. This show is so dumb. I'll write again tomorrow. Take care everybody, and thanks for the kind comments and e-mails after the lost post. You guys are the best.
In other news I've posted about twenty new tour dates, some Caedmon's, some solo. There are a few more solo shows in the works that will be up as soon as I get enough info.
I had a good writing session today with Jonathan Salas today. We wrote a pretty cool tune that I hope makes it on his record, which will come out sometime late this year, I think.
Tomorrow I'm writing with a fellow named Robby Hurd and then playing a showcase with Chris Mason for a couple labels. It's one of these really weird industry things where you play as a band with lights and sound and all that jazz for a room of about six people. Ostensibly they get to see the band in action, but it's a very different experience. At least for the artist. The Normals did one waaaaaaaay back before we were even called "The Normals". We played for two people. They didn't like us. Oh well. We were pretty awful back then, so I can't blame them.
Alison is with her girlfriends tonight and I'm at home with Ella. Later tonight I'll be heading out to see my friend and neighbor Christopher Williams play a set at the Blue Bird Cafe. I've seen movies about that place, heard of it well before I lived here, live about six minutes from it, but I've never been there before. It'll be fun.
Ok, Sydney just had a baby in about two minutes, AND it was clearly a doll. This show is so dumb. I'll write again tomorrow. Take care everybody, and thanks for the kind comments and e-mails after the lost post. You guys are the best.
Reader Comments (12)
actually, i was just kidding about Alias. i think that the last 5 episodes are going to salvage the show, and i love that they are bringing back the old faithful characters to see it through. i'm also glad to see that Vaughan is still hot.
Nothing can salvage Alias. Ever. My dad and I used to love that show until it train-wrecked. I've never seen anything tank as suddenly as that show did. One thing did remain consistant throughout the show's run, though, my dad and I wanted Vaughan to get killed from the moment we stared watching (and I don't mean that in a mean way).
my wife logged in on my computer and wrote that first comment. She is wrong. But she is still hot.
Oh the Bluebird! Been there twice over the last year when my wife and I visited Nashville. Great place to listen to great music. Very intimate place with no distractions. Decent food and drink also. I always kinda figured that you had played there sometime. You really should! You would be great! I can't wait for the two new CD's to come out.
I lost interest in Alias after the first season... too many life-changing revelations too fast. No thanks.
And thanks for the mention about the tour dates - how did I not know that you're playing in Dubuque this weekend? I'll have to see if I can make it.
andy, my wife erica thinks Vaughn is hot too. sometimes i want to reach through the TV and slive his 5oclock shadowed face with a broken, rusty spoon. but not because i'm jealous, just because the show pooped the bed.
it takes alot for me to sour on something, but i kept saying to myself while watching this show..."are they ad-libbing? are they making up these interconnections as they go along? in the end are we going to find out that jack is actually sydney's daughter and that Marshall is the father?" it got way to whacked.
1)"slice" not "slive"
2) "sydney's son" not "sydney's daughter"
3) "hella whacked" not "way to whacked"
"This show is just dumb."
No kidding.
We watched the show the first few seasons, but it has turned out to be too much of a soap opera. Poor little Sydney just can't be happy for even five minutes...gosh, what kind of story line would that be? Only two redeeming things about that show: Sark (hot) and Sloane (terrific "bad" guy...he somehow endears himself even though we know he's baaaaad).
Ooops...and yes, Vaughn is hot. :)
Way to go, Alison. And yes, Vaughn is hot.
#1-I think I just signed my life away to post on your blog.
#2- ALIAS *is* still dumb! :highfive: It's so sad how they ran a great show into the groud. Season 2 is the best by far. Syd had Francie and Will (my favorite charcter), the double life with school...but then they killed/got rid of her friends and it was work and Vaughn and Vaughn and Work. So sad. I'm pretty sure the show suffered, because JJ Abrahams (writer) was working on LOST. The last 5 episodes might bring some redemptive closure, and I will have to watch. I must apologize and say that I disagree with the ladies here (And all over the country). There is *nothing* attractive about spineless, scrawny Vaughn. Will is the man. Wise is a VERY close second. *steps off soap box*
#3-Since this is my first post I must mention that I am a big Andrew Osenga fan. Love your music. :D
Jennifer Garner is a man. which actually makes the whole pregnancy thing even more amazing.