Spaceship Concert

So after we finished construction on Day 2, we went to Baja Burrito and then had a concert. We pulled off one of the walls and performed in the ship.
I played a bunch of new songs from Leonard, finished AND unfinished. And I had a few friends join me. It was an amazing time. Check it out...
Special Guest #1 - Friend and neighbor, Christopher Williams. Check out his amazing new record, "Stone Water Wood Light" HERE.
Next up: New Nashvillian Drew Michael Blake. He came and volunteered for the build and was just great to get to know. I thought it would be fun to have him play a couple songs. And he killed it! He has a new EP coming out soon, and if it's as good as him live it will be well worth checking out.
And our final guest, the legendary Don Chaffer. Waterdeep is awesome and Don is half of why.
It was a special night. One I'll never forget. Thanks to everyone who made it happen.
Reader Comments (6)
Seriously, this project great, everyone I've explained it to thinks it's incredibly interesting...or they just nod and look at me like I'm a loony-toon.