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Which states are actually considered New England?

Ah, a nice, quiet day in my studio. Well, not that quiet, but at least not the sound of a cheap Toyota radio trying to drown out the sound of a cheap Toyota engine.

Today is just random odds and ends: answering emails and doing a little remaster of Choosing Sides to add a track to it (a song called "Memory" I wrote a month or two ago and am quite fond of). And now it's winding its way through the Apple store to be on iTunes in a few weeks or so. I'll keep you posted.

So my last run, up to what some would say New England, was fantastic. I started in Virginia, then headed up to New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and finished up in Baltimore. I'm not going to lie. It sort of felt like a driving tour with the occasional rest stop and concert.

But the concerts! Oh, the concerts! What fun I had.

- I played in a coffeehouse with a delightfully Spanish name, which I mispronounced at least six times during the show. Which is ok, because one of the owners requested an Andy Gullahorn song. I think we ended up even.

- I played in the church pastored by one of my best high school friends and sat in on a Miles Davis tune with a killer jazz trio who opened for me. This was awesome.

- The Community Coffeehouse in Danbury, CT asked me to take a break in the middle of my show, something I usually don't do. It was a good call, though, because they were serving cupcakes and meatballs downstairs during the intermission. Never eaten that in the middle of a show before.

- Bryan packed about 80 people into a fake-Amish barn surrounded by decidedly unfake-actual-Amish people. And horses. It was a beautiful night.

- Matthew and Maggie stuffed almost as many people in a living room half the size as the fake-Amish barn, and Peter singlehandedly sold more merch than a Backstreet Boys show in 1999.

Such amazing people who welcomed me into their communities and gave me their ears and hearts for an hour or so. I feel incredibly grateful.

Also, we're at just about half of my goal for this year's Ellie's Run For Africa. I'm hoping to raise $2500 which will be enough to help send 100 African children to school next year. Click on that link and help out!

Also, I tried to listen to The DaVinci Code on tape, but it was just too stupid.

Anyway, I got home on Tuesday evening, pretty wiped out from all the driving and podcast-listening. My folks came into town shortly thereafter and so I spent the last half of the week and the weekend just trying to be as present with my family and community I could be.

So now I have about a week and a half of studio work and being home before I head back out for two last runs of this tour. The first will take me through Memphis, Little Rock, Lousiana, Texas and Mississippi. The second through Kansas City, Nebraska and Iowa. If I can find an RV to rent for a reasonable rate I may bring my family with me on that last run. Why? Because it seems fun.

I'll be posting those tour dates here before the day is through. And tomorrow I'll be back to post about a new project I'll be starting in the next few days and will have ready by early Summer.

Reader Comments (8)

OK, I'll bite. New England is comprised of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island.

March 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKelly

Sorry Andy, but you were only in one state of New England. The rest are "The Mid-Atlantic", which is a poor attempt to solve the problem of us in Maryland never knowing if we were Northern or Southern.

March 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTim

I'm curious what the all-knowing Wikipedia would say, but I'd be willing to go along with your response, Kelly. New York might also be properly included?

Okay, now I have to check Wikipedia.

March 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPeter Gaultney

...aaaand Wikipedia confirms Kelly's prompt answer.

March 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPeter Gaultney

If the "new project" is an Andy and the Andy's album, I'll pre-order now!

March 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDavid

twas a beautiful night indeed. You and your electric devil amps are welcome back to Amish country any time.

(and I hope i didn't fail at convincing you to care about LOST).

March 30, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterbryan a

I was having my friends listen to my music while driving to and from Ohio-Florida-Ohio and we listened to all my Andrew Peterson (we worked through you, Derek, old school Caedmon's, Sara Groves, Andrew Peterson, random recordings of my friends, and Vampire Weekend, with other stuff thrown in) and I kept waiting for "More of a Man" to come on, because realizing it was Andy G.

I felt bad.

March 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMorgan

I second what Kelly said. =) It was great to have you in Danbury. PLEASE come back again soon. It was great to see how genuine you are, and your art and your story truly inspired me.
Also, you might be interested to know that only 4 days after the concert my wife was induced and the next day we had our little baby GIRL Adelaide Ariel Edmonds. I'm sure you can relate to the joy we are reveling in and the sleep we are lacking and wish we had "framed" as you suggested. =)
Go to if you'd like to see some major cuteness. =) I'm working on getting more up. While sleep permits.
Hope you are doing well and may God's blessings continue to rain down on you.

Your friend,

March 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJeremy Edmonds

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