Waiting for the boys

I'm sitting on my couch, keeping one eye on the driveway. Any minute Randall and Christopher will be here to pick me up. We're going to hop on a plane to Seattle, then head up to Vancouver, then get on a boat to take us 100 miles up the inlets to my favorite place on Earth. Really. It's my favorite.
There's a lodge right down the boardwalk from a YoungLife camp called Malibu up there, and we're going to be part of a small artist retreat hosted by Donald Miller. I'm really looking forward to it. A few of my close friends are going besides Randall and Christopher, I'm excited to meet the other artists in attendance, and again, it's my favorite place on Earth.
I'll take pictures.
Alison and the girls headed out yesterday morning to North Carolina and are now currently at the beach with her parents. Pretty nice. I've been bachelor for a day and a half now, so I did what comes naturally. I stayed at the studio until 4 am working on Letters 2. It was great.
They're here. See you guys later.
There's a lodge right down the boardwalk from a YoungLife camp called Malibu up there, and we're going to be part of a small artist retreat hosted by Donald Miller. I'm really looking forward to it. A few of my close friends are going besides Randall and Christopher, I'm excited to meet the other artists in attendance, and again, it's my favorite place on Earth.
I'll take pictures.
Alison and the girls headed out yesterday morning to North Carolina and are now currently at the beach with her parents. Pretty nice. I've been bachelor for a day and a half now, so I did what comes naturally. I stayed at the studio until 4 am working on Letters 2. It was great.
They're here. See you guys later.
Reader Comments (11)
Have a great trip, Andy.
have a good trip to bc.
i think sometime you'll have to check out northern ontario though. it's not bc but very nice none the less. on the way up you can stop by for some green curry and shrimp. :)
i can't wait for letters 2.
You forgot to tell everyone that Buster from Arrested Development is going to be in your van or something...Gullahorn told me...
Dude, how does your wife let you get away with that?
My old roommate is a guide up there...I don't know if she'll guide your week or not, but she's spent the past 2 years working up there. If you see EMily Yarbrough, say hi for me!!
Have a great time!
Enjoy your time away!
-can't wait to hear your progress on Letters II
The internet up there can be tricky. I think because it's mainly run by a moose walking on a treadmill.
Oh, enjoy Seattle! (And Malibu) No better place to retreat!
Seattle?! Hey, while you're there, I've heard that there's this coffee place there called Starbucks, or something. From what I hear, their coffee is pretty good... I wonder if they'll ever expand to the East Coast ;)
Hmmm. Donald Miller. Somehow I don't think the topic will be "10 things I like about George W. Bush".
I haven't been to the site in a while and I'm so impressed/excited to see how elaborate it is now! I'm glad to learn that there is new music on the way!