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Need the Normals (Not what you think)

It's getting very close to new website time. And this leads me to ask a fairly ridiculous question:

Does anybody have a good jpg of the covers of the Normals albums?

Cause I don't. And that's absurd, but hey. But if you DO, or if you could scan them and send them to me, I'd be very grateful. Thanky!!

Reader Comments (3)

andy - i just looked on and found all three albums listed and all three have jpg's - two of them are small, one has a bigger example, but they'd work for now, right?" rel="nofollow">click here

May 28, 2008 | Unregistered Commenteryouthdude

I can scan them in HI-RES for you if you would like. They are signed by you when I saw you in Greenville, Hickory, and Spartanburg in March. I can do it Sunday night after the Charleston Riverdawgs game (My family and I started our vacation in Charleston so that we could see Caedmon's after the came). If you want them please just email me. Thanks.

May 31, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTimothy Patterson

Hey Tim - A couple folks sent me some already, and they're up and running. Thanks so much!

May 31, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAndrew Osenga

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