Christmas Sale!!

I want to clean out my basement AND give you great gifts to give all your friends, neighbors, boyfriends, bosses, stalkers, etc...
I'm making everything cheap. T-shirts are ten bucks, CD's are twelve (except for the limited copies of Souvenirs and Postcards, which are also ten, and the special deal on Coming to Life.) If you'd like me to autograph a cd for you, just leave that in the notes section when you check out.
Shipping is $2 for 1 to 3 items, $4 for 4 to 6 items and free for anything over that. (In America, that is. International shipping rates will vary.) We'll ship them out within a day or two of your order.
So without further adieu, here are the goods...

Letters to the Editor, Vols I & II - CD - $12

BROWN T-shirt (Tell Me About Your Pedalboard) - $10

GREEN t-shirt (Tell Me About Your Pedalboard) - $10

YELLOW t-shirt (Anna and the Aliens) - $10

BLUE t-shirt (Anna and the Aliens) - $10

TRACTOR t-shirt - $10

The Morning - CD - $12

Photographs (Remastered) - CD - $12

Souvenirs and Postcards - CD (Limited Supply Left) - $10

The Normals - Coming to Life - CD - $6
I'm making everything cheap. T-shirts are ten bucks, CD's are twelve (except for the limited copies of Souvenirs and Postcards, which are also ten, and the special deal on Coming to Life.) If you'd like me to autograph a cd for you, just leave that in the notes section when you check out.
Shipping is $2 for 1 to 3 items, $4 for 4 to 6 items and free for anything over that. (In America, that is. International shipping rates will vary.) We'll ship them out within a day or two of your order.
So without further adieu, here are the goods...

Letters to the Editor, Vols I & II - CD - $12

BROWN T-shirt (Tell Me About Your Pedalboard) - $10

GREEN t-shirt (Tell Me About Your Pedalboard) - $10

YELLOW t-shirt (Anna and the Aliens) - $10

BLUE t-shirt (Anna and the Aliens) - $10

TRACTOR t-shirt - $10

The Morning - CD - $12

Photographs (Remastered) - CD - $12

Souvenirs and Postcards - CD (Limited Supply Left) - $10

The Normals - Coming to Life - CD - $6
Reader Comments (2)
G'day Andy,
Yes, I'm from Australia & have really taken to your music. I've been a huge fan of Andrew Peterson & Caedmon's Call for many years, & have recently discovered your great music. I've downloaded LTTE 1&2 (which are fantastic) & would now like to purchase more!
I've especially resonated with your songs 'Wanted' & 'Swing Wide the Glimmering Gates'... Thanks for your honesty & candidness. It's a warmth by way of encouragement to again be reminded that there are other Christians who are still human. I've put through an order via Paypal. Would you be able to sign my CD's please? Thanks again, Phil.
Hey Andy....great show Saturday! Sadly it reminded me that my car was recently broken into and some lucky thief got my copies of The Normals first album, Photographs, and Caedmon's Overdressed. Not I can't afford to get anything during your Christmas sale, but I will be returning in the near future. The album collection buys are a great idea.
Also, thanks for your authenticity over the years. I wish I was a better supporter! It was great seeing the community onstage Saturday night. Christ was definitely glorified through you all!
Take care, Tommy