I Told You So

So I posed a question yesterday which got some very interesting, poignant and startling answers. I was going to put in my two cents but I took NyQuil before I started typing and realized I was making no sense. And I just took some more tonight, so I'll postpone entering that discussion until a later date.
This week I'm having to learn a bunch of new songs. I'm playing with Andrew Peterson and Randall Goodgame Sunday night at 12th and Porter. They're each releasing new projects this week and I'm excited to get to play on such wonderful tunes. This is the best stuff Randall has done yet, I think. You can't really make that statement about the guy who did The Far Country and Love and Thunder but Andy P's new stuff is just as good. Which means it's amazing. I'll be doing a short set that night as well. But between learning and rehearsing twenty new songs and the day job at the studio, I've been a little busy.
Yesterday I took a day off, intending on being with the girls and helping Alison out, but I got really sick and laid a little more low than anticipated. Today I felt just as bad, but you've just got to get back to work, you know. I think it's gotten a little better tonight, though.
Anyway, yesterday I was cleaning a bit and I found the cover for a mix tape that my friend Matthew Smith made for me a decade ago. He lived directly across the dorm hall from me, three years before we found out we were cousins and before either of us had careers in music. I always dogged the music he liked (if it wasn't Toad, Pearl Jam or Sixpence) and he made this tape to try to convince me that these artists were good.
Matthew, you may now leave a comment stating "I told you so*."

*except for Vertical Horizon. You're still wrong on that one.
This week I'm having to learn a bunch of new songs. I'm playing with Andrew Peterson and Randall Goodgame Sunday night at 12th and Porter. They're each releasing new projects this week and I'm excited to get to play on such wonderful tunes. This is the best stuff Randall has done yet, I think. You can't really make that statement about the guy who did The Far Country and Love and Thunder but Andy P's new stuff is just as good. Which means it's amazing. I'll be doing a short set that night as well. But between learning and rehearsing twenty new songs and the day job at the studio, I've been a little busy.
Yesterday I took a day off, intending on being with the girls and helping Alison out, but I got really sick and laid a little more low than anticipated. Today I felt just as bad, but you've just got to get back to work, you know. I think it's gotten a little better tonight, though.
Anyway, yesterday I was cleaning a bit and I found the cover for a mix tape that my friend Matthew Smith made for me a decade ago. He lived directly across the dorm hall from me, three years before we found out we were cousins and before either of us had careers in music. I always dogged the music he liked (if it wasn't Toad, Pearl Jam or Sixpence) and he made this tape to try to convince me that these artists were good.
Matthew, you may now leave a comment stating "I told you so*."

*except for Vertical Horizon. You're still wrong on that one.
Reader Comments (22)
Putting the phrase "they’re each releasing new projects this week" immediately after a sentence referencing Randall Goodgame is cause for much rejoicing. News of his EP releasing is epic.
I can't wait for RL:V2 as well, but I've been excited about that for a while. I knew it was coming next week. The Goodgame news is a surprise.
If only there was a way to magically transport 12th and Porter to Los Angeles come Sunday...
Any mixtape with VOL on it is genius.
Nice work from the mixmaster.
And I had forgotten about Sarah Masen...whatever happened to her?
Andy, I had no idea Randall was about to release some new stuff, that makes my day, but there's not much that can compete with "War and Peace" its one of my favorite records of all time. So, if this new one tops "War and Peace" than I'm in for a treat.
That mix tape is pretty fantastic. I think it is great that The Waiting "Hands in the Air" made the list and pretty funny that there is so much Caedmons and DWebb on that. Matthew, you definitely need to say one big "I told you so"
Caedmon's "Almost Gone" was an amazing song...if only I could download it somewhere.
GREAT mix tape. Chris Rice "Hallelujahs" is a beautiful song. Just an example...
"A purple sky to close the day
I wade the surf where dolphins play
The taste of salt, the dance of waves
And my soul wells up with hallelujahs
A lightning flash, my pounding heart
A breaching whale, a shooting star
Give testimony that you are
And my soul wells up with hallelujahs
Oh praise Him all His mighty works
There is no language where you can't be heard
Your song goes out to all the Earth
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah!"
vertical horizon has its place.
for the more recent efforts that would seem to be $1.99 bin but come on, some of the early stuff was good.
and as amazing as center aisle is, it's usually hard to work into a mixtape. this seems to fir in well though.
All the Years, one of the songs from Randall's new record, Bluebird, is available as a free download on Randall's site:
And Todd, Sarah Mason is still putting out music every once in a while. She lives here in Nashville with her husband, author David Dark, and her kids. She released a couple EPs not too long ago that you can find on her website.
I told you so. :-)
And to clarify, I titled the tape "Getting Back To Normal," because it was for Andrew's drive back to his parents' house in Normal, IL. I stand by my pre-pop, pre-major label Vertical Horizon inclusion. Their live record was amazing.
Self-serving plug time:
Love you, Andrew.
Great post, Andy. It's always fun to run across a blast from the past when it comes to music.
Matthew, I dig the mix, and I totally agree with the inclusion of the Vertical Horizon tune. The live version of "The Sea" is one of my all time faves.
Do you remember if you get some of these tunes from a sampler CD? I can't remember the name, but it seems like "Sweet River Roll" and "The Hammer Holds" were on a great sampler that also had "April Showers" by Caedmon's Call, a great tune by a group called Nickel & Dime, and even an acoustic version of "Stain Glass Window" by Ridgely that first turned me on to Eric Peters.
bret, you're thinking of the "awakening records" samplers... vol 1, i'm pretty sure... there were 3 of them, and they were all great.
even better than matthew's mix-tape skillz. vertical horizon, et. al.
This was about the same time I was getting exposed to great bands that I figured if they were a "Christian" band, their music must suck, because I heard was the Christian radio schlok. How wonderful it is to hear real artists just doing thier thing and letting their faith speak in their art. Where can I find "Open Letter to the Christian Music Industry?" I have never heard of that song.
The song title is just 'Open Letter', and it is on Caedmon's Call's Guild 1 cd.
Hands in the air is a wonderful song for its time.
I love the parenthetical, Matthew. It really gives the whole thing a folksy charm.
I like the list and am surprised that I have most of it, including The Waiting and Sarah Masen. I forgot I had those. Maybe I should give them a relisten.
andy, have you been following glen phillips since the days of toad ended? i've always been in awe of his songwriting and singing skills.
the live music archive has some excellent solo shows of his. toad also has some shows but the quality is lacking in the recording.
Hahahahahaha WOW -the tape made me chortle quite a bit. He told you so.
Nick's stuff is sounding AMAZING. I am truly excited about it. Pat yourself on the back.
You got told, Ose.
Oh, and see ya Sunday night. [Yes, yes, I'm taking my gear.]
i respectfully disagree, AO.
Matthew is correct about Vertical Horizon's pre-major label days. Their live album is amazing, and even after the "Everything You Want" album, I saw them live and was doubly amazed. Then they released a bad album and that was the nail in the coffin.
What a fine tape. I too would recommend the new Sarah masen EPs. Home made music at it's best, all the sleeves are hand painted and even the mailing boxes are unique.
And it appears that I am alone in believing that as a turn up loud in the car album Everything You Want can't be beaten. The early stuff is fine, but the much missed DOG NAMED DAVID were vastly superior. Everyone should own the Acoustic Canine live CD.