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Well, I think there were a couple winners in the t-shirt contest. Numbers 1 and 6 seemed to take the cake, and will be printed up shortly. Thanks for sending them in and for voting!

Just think: Very soon you will be able to own your very own piece of interWeb-inspired soft, cotton-y, wearable goodness, all thanks to you and your hard work checking in here every couple of days.

So I've been working like mad on a secret project this week. And it's been fun. I wish I could tell you how fun, but then it wouldn't be a secret and XXXX would kick me XXX XX XXX XXXX and then I'd never get to tell you about XXX XXXXX and XXX XXXXXXX XXXX XXX. But soon, and very soon, I promise you. And I think you'll like it. Especially X XXXXX XXXX XX XX XXX. (and XXXX XX XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXX.)

(Note: The previous paragraph has been monitored and edited, to keep you safe, by XXXX and XXXX. Our apologies.)

Today I got to do something wonderful. The illustrious Ben Shive came to the studio, and old pal Cason came by a bit later, and I got to play guitar on some of Ben's songs. I've told you, and him, for years that his record will be my favorite record of the year, whatever year it actually gets finished in. I feel like I practice and work and do all the things that aren't fun so that I get to spend a few days a year working on music this good. It is all worth it.

I pretty much only played through the Leslie today, too, which was super fun. (For those of you who don't know, the Leslie is the rotating speaker you usually hear an organ through.) There are a lot of pedals and computer plug-ins that simulate this sound, but at Sputnik today we fired up the real one, Coles ribbon mics in stereo on the low horn and a Korby FET on the top and: Shazam! What a glorious sound.

Enough nerd talk.

Actually, enough talk of any sort. I have to go pick up dinner. See you later.

Reader Comments (15)

congrats go out to my friend keith on his new baby boy...

oh yeah... and that his alien picture got picked for a shirt, too...

January 24, 2008 | Unregistered Commentershane

Sounds XXXX you had a XXXXXX XXXX day.

January 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJosh Stockment

I'm officially XXXXXX for the new XXXXXXX. I sure hope it is what I XXXXX it is.

January 24, 2008 | Unregistered Commentereiijah

If there's something about a hip-hop rainbow involved, I'm gonna sick the Hoff on you.


January 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGeof F. Morris

Anyone want to take a stab at what the XXX's stand for? I'm guessing "Andy" and "out of the band" for the first two blocks. I'm lost after that.

January 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJud

If you are right about "out of the band." "Todd" or "Mark" would also fit in the first slot.

I'm going with "the album" for section 3 and "The Normals next gig" for section 4.... but that's probably wishful thinking. :)

January 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLaura

I'm humbled and honored that the illustrious readers of this fine blog have picked my "Anna and the aliens" themed shirt design to be printed. Thanks to all. As I said, Andy, it's a pretty rough sketch, so I hope you find someone with mad t-shirt design skillz to make it look good. And thanks, shane, for the props on the baby boy.

January 25, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkeith

Thanks to the thousands of people that voted for my #2. I'm honored to even have my submission in the finals. I should have made the stick figure anatomically correct or added a vague inside joke or two. :)

Here's my attempt at decrypting Andy's masked paragraph using ad-lib style fill-in-the-blanks. I think he's subliminally trying to tell us something, I'm just not sure what yet:

"So I’ve been working like mad on a secret project this week. And it’s been fun. I wish I could tell you how fun, but then it wouldn’t be a secret and BUGS would kick me TWO TO TEN TIME and then I’d never get to tell you about HIP ALBUM and YOU WOULDN'T WANT TOE. But soon, and very soon, I promise you. And I think you’ll like it. Especially 9 FURRY DOGS IN MY BAG. (and PLAY ON YOUR ACOUSTIC SOUND.)"

January 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterWarren

Wow Laura, I hadn't thought about "Mark" being the four letter name. Could a Normals reunion be in the works? This is how rumors get started.

Andy is probably laughing his head off right now watching us try to decipher his completely random sequences of X's. Then again, maybe not . . .

January 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJud

Warren, I still say your design is the best! But I'm exited about the others anyway

January 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJulie


January 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJosh W

I like your "out of the band" theory, and the whole Normals thing.
My first thought was an andies tour or something, so the first word being "andy" and the next ones being "and my fat butt" and
"the shows" for section three. The Normals is way better.

January 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKatherine

I will be purchasing both shirts

January 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBo

Yo, Andy,

This seems right up your ally:,com_comprofiler/task,registers/

It's a contest to write and record 10 songs in February.

January 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMark

Andy, will the shirts be available for purchase online? Please :)

January 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGary Davis

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