Thank God for the internet

Josh Moore, our B3 player in Caedmon's, got married today, here in Houston. At the hotel this morning I was made aware yet again that I have no idea how to tie a tie.
So I googled it.
And found this site. Check it out...

I know. It's beautiful. Random strangers were stopping me in the street just to get a better look at it. Simple, yet majestic. Subtle, yet poignant.
So I googled it.
And found this site. Check it out...

I know. It's beautiful. Random strangers were stopping me in the street just to get a better look at it. Simple, yet majestic. Subtle, yet poignant.
Reader Comments (17)
That's awesome. [Crap, I didn't even know Josh was engaged. So out of the loop.]
Nice to know that I'm not the only one who can't remember how to tie those pesky things.
I've used that site countless times over the past year. No matter how many times I sit in my chair, staring at the screen in order to tie one on for an event, I still can't seem to remember the procedure, probably because I don't really have to wear a tie all that often.
I hope the show in Tomball went well tonight. I'd been planning on attending, but lost my wallet at a show last night and thus spent the evening trying to track it down.
Apparently, I'm a "four-in-hand" man myself. I just didn't know it until tonight.
Again, great show tonight. Thanks for all the rock.
nice tie tieing ability! I didn't know Josh was engaged either!
I will check it out. I had a job interview and had to stop at my parents house just to get my Dad to tie my tie. Really lame!
been there.
so according to the rumor forum on, the new album is going to be called Over Dressed? Is this accurate?
Is it sad that I'm a girl and I know how to tie a tie?
No, it just makes us guys look sadder...
I still don't know how to tie one and I am 31.
Very sad.
There are few things as beautiful as that.
That pic would make art for a tshirt or CD cover.
I am also a girl and know how to tie a tie three different ways! I used to have to wear one when I worked at a movie theater (it was either a tie or a big boofy stewardess bow thing - you can see why I chose the tie). I got sick of my dad always having to tie it for me so I had him teach me. It comes in pretty handy - especially since my boyfriend can't tie a tie to save his life. Andy - your tie is a work of art - beautiful! And yay for Josh!
I have never been so proud to be your brother. I am truly honored and inspired. God Bless You.
Awesome. May I point everyone to my favorite page, which I have used with success for years:" rel="nofollow">Tie-a-tie of use.
Where did you get the tie? NICE!