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it's the heart that matters more...

Well, it’s been four shows in four days, all within a very close region. Not waking up with the baby or having to do things in the mornings has allowed me to catch up on some sleep. But I will still say that I am very tired now. The tired-on-the-inside kind.

Playing with a band wears you out, but usually I’ve got more energy at the end of a show than at the beginning, because of the audience and the volume and the fact that I share the focus with other people. Solo shows just wear me out on-the-inside. It’s just me and my guitar for an hour or so. If I stop to take a drink of water, it’s silent until I’m done. That’s not an easy thing for me.

Thankfully my friend Crystal made out to the show again tonight, three in a row, and that was SO great. She jumped in on all the Caedmon’s tunes and a few of my own. It was very nice to both have her wonderful voice, and to have a bit of a buffer. The shows have been fun. Small, but mostly the good kind of small, the kind where you are actually aware of who’s in the room and it feels like you’re all apart of something special. Many thanks to Jeff, Ben and all the rest who helped put this run together.

This weekend has given me time to read a little bit (nice), write a little bit (nicer) and to catch up on my nerd addiction Battlestar Galactica (nicest?). Say what you may, but that show rules. I’m very disturbed from the ending of the last episode. I’m now current with the show and it’s sad to think I’ll have to wait a week to watch another one. People, how did we live before TV on DVD?

Well, I have to get up at 4 to make my flight, which will feel like 3 because of Daylight Savings, so I’m going to pack up and go to bed. Thanks again to all of you who came out this weekend. Caedmon’s goes back in on Thursday so I’ll have new updates from the record soon. I'm taking tomorrow off to be with my girls. I can't wait.

Reader Comments (10)

Back-to-back "Omaha" references...nice touch.

March 11, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterdavid

I put "Battlestar" on my Netflix. It better not disappoint...for your sake.

March 11, 2007 | Unregistered Commenternickflora

A BSG fan! Great! That show never ceases to amaze!

BTW, I just the the t-shirt a couple days ago. I love it! Thanks!

March 11, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterpeter

It t'was a great weekend. Nevil Shute- In the Wet and The Pied Piper. Both excellent. Very British. Peace.

March 12, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterBen Davy

HEY! I'm lovin' those Omaha references! Andy, it was absolutely great to see you at "The Foundry." I had good intensions of making another show or two, but it didn't work out. I have a close family member that is not doing well physically, so one show is all I could fit in, but I hope to catch you next month when you come back!

I've seen you with AP a few times in the round and such, but this is the first time I've seen you do a full solo show. What a privilege.

I loved the diversity you handed out on stage. Man, that was so cool ... Caedmon's Call, Normals, acoustic, electric, new Andy, old Andy ... wow ... as we used to say in my era ... what a blast!

I know there are others that will be envious so I won't let on that you played one of the new songs that is likely to be the first single released on the new Caedmon's Call project. Oops. Did I say that? I must say, as an old radio guy, it sounds like a hit to me. Major.

As a guitar hacker, I am quite easy to impress. But having noted that, your guitar playing sounded extraordinary. I'm usually biased towards the acoustic sound, but after you got cooking, I was actually hoping for more electric based tunes. Man, you were smokin' on that thing. I love your playing. I didn't realize you had built in some looping to your repertoire. Have you secretly been hanging out with Phil Keaggy? Wow, that was pure enjoyment. Thanks.

Crystal did just great too. She was right there on the harmony parts but never intrusive. Just perfect. And what a nice voice. Is she a Nebraska girl? How did you guys find her?

Your stage talk was fun too. I know coffee shop shows can't be the most comfortable environment in which to perform (it's not easy being an audience member in a coffee shop either), but you seemed pretty relaxed--not afraid to ramble a bit--which I've always loved from a singer/songwriter guy.

"The Foundry" and it's various associations--Kingsway Christian Church and Nebraska Christian College deserve major league props for sticking their collective necks out and bringing such great music to the heartland. Same thing to Grace Chapel in Lincoln. Keep the good music coming!

March 12, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterCurt

I am praying.

March 12, 2007 | Unregistered Commentertony kevin

The entirety of this last BSG episode was pretty cool, in a twisted sort of way. It was nice seeing Badger again, too (oh, how I miss Firefly)

March 12, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJud

BSG rocks. Simply rocks. Andrew, if you hate waiting a week, season 4 probably won't premier until January 2008. So soak up those last two episodes and be ready to watch the DVDs of the first three seasons for a while (that's what I'll do). If you do watch the DVDs...I highly recommend the first ep of Season 1: "33". It might be the best dramatic TV episode I've ever seen.

Caedmon's, BSG, The Office. Andy Osenga is the man.

Curt, nice review. Please tell me you've got a bootleg of the new Caedmon's song ;-)

March 12, 2007 | Unregistered Commentersevenmiles

We recorded the show at The Foundry. A good man, Mike Harvat, whose music you should get to know, will be putting it up on soon.

We had fun having you here at The Foundry. I am sure next time we will have at least double the crowd.
Thanks for hanging out with us.

March 12, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterjeff

Having you in Lincoln was just great. It meant a lot to us to have you so transparent about your life. I guess you must like people, to be able to hang out afterwards in a noisy bar with mostly strangers! God does have a way of blessing the life of a seeker who directs his/her questions to Him.

Lori (Crystal's mom)

March 13, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterLori

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