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Card-carrying Republican...

(This post is about politics. I don't want this blog to become super political, I want it to make you want to buy my records, but it's something I care about and want to share. I promised I'd talk about Iran. I didn't get to it in this one, but I'll try to tomorrow. Ok, you've been warned...)

So I almost became a Republican last week.

I've been getting more and more into reading the news, following the war, watching the candidates for the Presidency... I wrote about him once before (and link to him on the main blog) but I really like this guy named Ron Paul. I mean, I really like him.

It's the first time in my very short tenure as a voter/citizen where I feel like I actually want to vote FOR someone, not just the lesser of two evils thing.

For more info on him you can CLICK HERE and go to his main website. CLICK HERE to see where he stands and why I want to vote for him.

I almost became a Republican because that's where he's running, and I want to vote for him in the Primary, to get him the party nomination. If he was running as a Democrat, I'd join that party. Turns out that in Tennessee you don't need to join the party to vote in the Primaries, though, and I felt no further desire...


Ok, all stumping aside, it's been really interesting to watch how people get from wanting to run, to running, to actually being their party's nominee. It's actually a very sad, discouraging process, to be honest. To me, anyway.

It really comes down to two things: Money and fame.

Really? Money? Fame? What do those have to do with being a good, wise, responsible leader? Nothing. They have nothing to do with it. That's why I believe we're in the situation we're in now.

I don't think George W. is a bad guy. I feel pretty bad for him, actually. It's obvious to me that he's in way over his head. I think he means well, but he's just not President material.

Unfortunately, he was campaign material. He had fame and he had money. Lots and lots of both. People don't vote for who they don't know. Fame means people know you. Money buys ads which get the people who don't know you to, you know, know you. (That was an awesome sentence.) And with ads you can let them know the "you" you wish you were, or think you are, or whatever. You get people to believe in you. That's called "campaigning". It's why candidates who have less than 5 million dollars at this point are counted out over a year before the election.

George W. had the right gifts for campaigning. So do Hillary Clinton and Rudy Guiliani. Which leads to my other big, sad realization about this process.


The media controls the elections. Almost completely. How do people hear about you? The media. How do people hear what you think? The media.

Something I've noticed since I've been paying a lot more attention to the news is how much the news talks about the people who deliver it. There are always headlines about Katie Couric and Dan Rather. Why? They're not news. Not to me, anyway. They're just the people who read it.

Ah, but you and I are not the people who write the news. Just like a story about my friend Jason only really interests the people who know him, the media like to talk about the media, because it's who they know. Katie Couric is far more important to an Associated Press writer than to you or me, I assume. Am I explaining this well at all?

Either way, the same thing is seen with campaigns. Most of our major media outlets are based in New York. The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, all the big TV headquarters. And who gets the most coverage, thus becoming "the frontrunners"? Hillary and Rudy. From New York.

The media is reporting what seems most important to them. I don't completely fault them for it, though I believe it's very poor journalism. But the problem is, that sets the pace for everything else that will happen. There may very well be better candidates. People with better records, more honesty, interesting ideas... But without the fame and the money, and without the NY media knowing about them, they may never really get heard.

And so democracy takes a major blow. Our freedom to vote is severely limited by what the media decides we get to know. And by a two-party system, which is a terrible, terrible thing, but another topic entirely.


What's been exciting me recently, though, is that Ron Paul, while being pretty much completely ignored by the major media, and without the fame, has been raising money. Pretty much just like me, people hear about him, like what they hear, and send him a few bucks. All of a sudden he's got 5 million bucks and is starting to have to be talked about by the media. Which I'm sure they hate.

But I'm excited. He may not win the election. He may not win the Primary. But he says good things and other people than me are obviously responding. And that gives me hope, when the government I see leading us now gives me none.


I'm glad to know that no government will ever fully succeed. No group of sinners will ever usher in a utopia. But if I really believe that Jesus commanded us to love others, and if we are a part of our nation's government (which I don't always think is true...) then we have a responsibility to try and make that government as good as it can be.

So vote for who you want, or don't vote at all, but I encourage you to become aware, if you aren't already, and to seek out good in an overwhelmingly sad and broken system. To encourage that good to grow and spread, and to pray for it, and for the healing of the bad.

And to wax philisophically on political tangents when you should be going to bed...

Reader Comments (33)

I have been drawn to your music because of your willingness to confront the tension between the already and not yet. I am constantly reminded of my need for Jesus and the promises of his kingdom when I listen to your songs.

This topic shows us the tension that is going to exist until the Prince of Peace reigns forever. I hope you won't make any type of blanket statement about what you will or won't discuss on your website. Christians can't run from or avoid the tough topics.

We are all longing for a leader who will lead the right way while realizing we are all fallen. The tension isn't going away. Even David and Solomon only pointed to the King of Kings. Let's recognize the tension together and seek for peace until the final day comes.

October 6, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterdanny

Andrew I say write about whatever comes to mind on your blog... You have my express permission to whatever you want with you blog... I don't mind one bit if you write about politics on you blog...

Seriously, i'm glad you wrote this because it gave me the proper motivation to check out Ron Paul and now I have a candidate I can sort of get on board with. I like the vast majority of what he had to say so thanks for bringing him to my attention.

October 6, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJosh

Ron Paul... not only wins the post election polls... he TROUNCES people...

Still unknown...

But the word is spreading...

October 6, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMandomatt

I say vote for Hillary Clinton... I mean America is all about reality T.V. and putting people in uncomfortable unfamiliar situations in which failure and extreme drama and heartbreak is imminent... Does that not sound like a recipe for a groundbreaking reality style show?

October 6, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterWes

Also... President Bush is the worst public speaker I have ever heard.

At least since sophomore year oral comm...

Flame away... but, the man is a disaster when he starts to read off a prompter...

October 6, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMandomatt

Thanks for the heads up on Ron Paul. I've been Independent for about 5 years now and have only recently considered switching my party affiliation. I originally was gonna go Democrat, mostly because of Barak Obama. Out of all the candidates, he seemed like the only one with any sort of reasonable plan of how to be president rather than just getting elected to get elected. Basically, he was the best out of a not-so-great group on both the Rep and Dem sides.

Ron Paul seems to have an experience and wisdom that would greatly benefit and reshape our country in several important areas.

Unfortunately for him, he's not as flashy and doesn't have the money that the other candidates have, but I believe in his message and hopefully that will be enough for him.

Thanks for helping to keep everyone informed. I know you're not trying to tell anyone how to think or vote. You're just saying this is someone that seems to be a person that lines up with your beliefs and that other people should be aware of his candidacy.

October 9, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterTommie

Thanks for the heads up on R.P. I'll keep reading your blog even if the next fifteen posts are about politics.

October 9, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterkeith

I am mostly just amazed that 32 people have commented on this post. So now I make 33. Congrats bro!

October 11, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJosh

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