New Beginning and the blog campaign

Here's the last of the tunes that I'll be putting up this week. I've played this one in concert a little bit and posted the lyrics on here for Easter, so hopefully it might be a bit familiar. This one sort of sums up the theme of the album: renewal and healing and moving on...
[audio: New Beginning.mp3]
I've got an idea I wanted to offer up to you, as well. I'd like to start a blog campaign about my record. "What is a blog campaign?" you say. Well, it's got to be better than my "pay for my record with McDonald's Monopoly winnings" idea. You know you all have blogs, and you all have friends saying "write another blog, dude" and you don't have an idea of what to write about. Well, I've got a subject for you...
I'd love to get as many people as would like to spare a couple of paragraphs on their blogs to talk about what they think of my new tunes. If people are into this I'll build a page on my site where we can link them all, as well. I'd like to do this, specifically, when people get the new record, but thought it could also be cool now that these four songs have been up. I'd love any thoughts on this idea, good or bad, or any suggestions on a way to get it going.
I have had such an amazing time writing, recording and finishing this project alongside all of you. The greatest unexpected joy of starting this blog and welcoming people into my work has been how much of a part of it some of them have become. People have been such a great help and encouragement and now that the record is finished I hope that folks will help spread the word and get it out there.
Without a marketing budget or record label I need to look for interesting, cost-effective ways to let my music be heard. This blog campaign idea is one I had, if anybody has other ideas, I'd love to hear them, and let me know if you think this one is any good. Again, thank you guys so much for your support and encouragement. I hope you like this tune. Have a great Friday and I'll try to post again from the road tomorrow.
[audio: New Beginning.mp3]
I've got an idea I wanted to offer up to you, as well. I'd like to start a blog campaign about my record. "What is a blog campaign?" you say. Well, it's got to be better than my "pay for my record with McDonald's Monopoly winnings" idea. You know you all have blogs, and you all have friends saying "write another blog, dude" and you don't have an idea of what to write about. Well, I've got a subject for you...
I'd love to get as many people as would like to spare a couple of paragraphs on their blogs to talk about what they think of my new tunes. If people are into this I'll build a page on my site where we can link them all, as well. I'd like to do this, specifically, when people get the new record, but thought it could also be cool now that these four songs have been up. I'd love any thoughts on this idea, good or bad, or any suggestions on a way to get it going.
I have had such an amazing time writing, recording and finishing this project alongside all of you. The greatest unexpected joy of starting this blog and welcoming people into my work has been how much of a part of it some of them have become. People have been such a great help and encouragement and now that the record is finished I hope that folks will help spread the word and get it out there.
Without a marketing budget or record label I need to look for interesting, cost-effective ways to let my music be heard. This blog campaign idea is one I had, if anybody has other ideas, I'd love to hear them, and let me know if you think this one is any good. Again, thank you guys so much for your support and encouragement. I hope you like this tune. Have a great Friday and I'll try to post again from the road tomorrow.
Reader Comments (19)
I think this is a good idea. Nothing like a good grassroots campaign. The little player on your site is really handy. I've never really seen one like that.
this sounds so good
i'm in.
Hey Andy, I love the song, it has a great feel to it. I'm in for the blog thing, even though I have like 5 people who read my blog.
One step ahead of you Andy. I already have like three blogs in your honor. So my peeps are totally hearing about your music.
Just go to the blog section and read away.
The studio cut of New Beginning is great. I am still digesting it...but it sounds good.
I had already mentioned your album once" rel="nofollow">here, but now I've given it another whole entire post. There will be more." rel="nofollow">
YOU ARE JUST TRYING TO MAKE MY JOB HARDER!!!!!!!! it's alright though.
Already been writing about your music on my blog a lot, including directing people to the new songs. Will keep doing, and will definitely review the record on my myspace blog (which is where I talk about things not having to do with my own music the most). Also, let me know if you set up any formal site or blog link like you're talking about. I'm in!
man, that's one 'radical marketing' idea. ;)
Spectacular. Tis has been one of my favorites since you played it at
Thrio's in Nov. Dude, you have this voice. Your music speaks to the human condition in it's core. and it's the human condition that everyone can relate to. I can't tell you how many times I've listened to "Early in the Morning" and just weeped. You truly have a gift. from "coming to life" until this point you've never been off base with your music. I think that's b/c you pour your heart into this. In fact, I have no doubt that that's it. Stay strong, man. Carrie and I are praying for you constantly, brother. We love you, Alison and Ella so much.
Thanks for the great music. Happy to give you a nod on my blog. Heck, I'd be happy to put up a banner linking to your site, if it would help.
One of my favorites of your career, and that's a pretty strong statement. I'm pretty much still obsessed with the Home record to this day. When folks ask what my goals are, one of them is "Here, listen to this. I will make a record this great one day."
Anyway, I love this tune, is the main thing. Can't wait for the album. It's one of my goal-treats for my new record (your buddy Ben played some amazing keys on it). I'm hoping that my 500-sales goal and the release of your new album fall somewhere in the same time-realm. I don't want to be left out on the 16th!
You're one of my songwriting heroes, and this is one of the best lyrics you've ever put forth, I think.
Although, for some reason I kept wanting to hear the Billy-Joelesque background vocals from Andy Peterson's "Queen of Iowa"...
Great tune.
no one knows who i am, but i'll do it for sure.
Has anyone noticed that Neil Young has stolen an Andy song title? I found his new album streaming online and got momentarily excited with the song title "after the garden"... what a shame for him, he missed out on a good song ;) btw, these sound clips are AMAZING... reminds me of the best of what i loved about the normals (which is A LOT). yay!
Hey Andy,
I just finished listening to all 4 of your songs. Even though your website mentioned that you were leaning more towards progressive rock on this one, I was kind of surprised by the hard drums & driving guitars. This sort of jarred me; they didn't seem to have the...contemplative mood I remembered from the Normals' albums & Photographs. Personally, I think the lower-key instrumentation from your earlier stuff fits better with your lyrics, that the lighter, more melancholy guitars draw you into the words more.
Then again, I was originally shocked by Andrew Peteron's rock-ish opening track on "Far Country," & now it's by far my favorite song on the album. So we'll see, maybe your stylistic change will grow on me, like a rash or a fungus of sorts... :-)
Regardless, I still LOVE your lyrics & am looking forward to getting the album so they can sink in a bit more. Shocking as it may be, I don't have a blog; but I'll definitely spread the word about your album via e-mail once I get it & feel like I can describe it more adequately.
i will post!
oh, I already have a couple links to the new single up on my blog! I'm sportin it.