
Yeah, yeah, I know. My last post was nothing but another fingerprint in a giant zip-lok baggie, out to prove that I'm a nerd. And I duly confess, yet again.
I will also confess that I just looked up the word "wait" in my iTunes to see what songs may fit the theme of the past couple days. A few highlights:
"I'm Waiting For The Day" - Beach Boys, Pet Sounds
"Waiting on the World to Change" - John Mayer, Continuum
"Waiting on Light" - Matthew Perryman Jones, Throwing Punches in the Dark
"Wait" - The Beatles, Rubber Soul
"Waiting for the Worms" - Pink Floyd, The Wall
"The Waiting" - Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Greatest Hits
"Waiting for the Sun" & "I've Been Waiting" - Sixpence None the Richer, Divine Discontent
and a heck of a lot of Tom Waits...
Pretty good playlist, I know.
We headed out for a little family trip to the library tonight. I know I won't be able to concentrate for long periods of time in the next few weeks so I got reading that I think can be done in quick bursts. Fargo Rock City by Chuck Klosterman (whose book Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs I absolutely loved) and That Distant Land, a collection of short stories by Wendell Berry. I read his book Jayber Crow in the hospital when Ella was born and it was amazing. Andrew Peterson had loaned it to me, it's one of his favorite books. In fact, I still have it, so I should read it again.
I love short stories. As a genre or form or whatever you call it, I just think they're wonderful. Some of my favorite books are short story collections from Hemingway, Mark Twain, Steinbeck, Orson Scott Card. Years ago I dreamed of writing a book, but I've actually been thinking of trying to start writing stories more recently. If I ever do, rest assured, if it gets past Quality Control (i.e. Alison) you'll be the first to read it.
Well, Sweet Ella just went to bed and we've got a short list of chores to take care of before we settle down and read (or I read while Gilmore Girls plays in the background...) If nothing happens in the night we'll head to church in the morning and then come back, take some naps, and start the playlist another time. Keep you posted, have a great evening.
I will also confess that I just looked up the word "wait" in my iTunes to see what songs may fit the theme of the past couple days. A few highlights:
"I'm Waiting For The Day" - Beach Boys, Pet Sounds
"Waiting on the World to Change" - John Mayer, Continuum
"Waiting on Light" - Matthew Perryman Jones, Throwing Punches in the Dark
"Wait" - The Beatles, Rubber Soul
"Waiting for the Worms" - Pink Floyd, The Wall
"The Waiting" - Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Greatest Hits
"Waiting for the Sun" & "I've Been Waiting" - Sixpence None the Richer, Divine Discontent
and a heck of a lot of Tom Waits...
Pretty good playlist, I know.
We headed out for a little family trip to the library tonight. I know I won't be able to concentrate for long periods of time in the next few weeks so I got reading that I think can be done in quick bursts. Fargo Rock City by Chuck Klosterman (whose book Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs I absolutely loved) and That Distant Land, a collection of short stories by Wendell Berry. I read his book Jayber Crow in the hospital when Ella was born and it was amazing. Andrew Peterson had loaned it to me, it's one of his favorite books. In fact, I still have it, so I should read it again.
I love short stories. As a genre or form or whatever you call it, I just think they're wonderful. Some of my favorite books are short story collections from Hemingway, Mark Twain, Steinbeck, Orson Scott Card. Years ago I dreamed of writing a book, but I've actually been thinking of trying to start writing stories more recently. If I ever do, rest assured, if it gets past Quality Control (i.e. Alison) you'll be the first to read it.
Well, Sweet Ella just went to bed and we've got a short list of chores to take care of before we settle down and read (or I read while Gilmore Girls plays in the background...) If nothing happens in the night we'll head to church in the morning and then come back, take some naps, and start the playlist another time. Keep you posted, have a great evening.
Reader Comments (11)
This is completely random but what comments aren't? Mr. Osenga, you should check out the album "Before the Flood." Bob Dylan played with the Band and it is a truly thunderous experience to sit and listen to. It is best listened to loud.
Come to Canada.
What? No "Wait" by White Lion?
Ok, you can laugh now.
Now that you mention it, it seems so obvious. Yes, you should definitely write short stories.
I echo the obviousness. I was trying to fill in the gaps in "Santa Barbara" just today (in my mind, not on paper).
Don't forget "the Waiting"--the late, lamented awesome band out of Georgia.
This one's for you and your beloved, Andy:
Your beloved? Oh....I meant SuperTextTwist, of course!
If you haven't already, you should read Wendell Berry's Fidelity. It's very Pastures of Heavenish.
Here some songs from my iTunes to add to your playlist:
-"Wait" - Mat Kearney
-"Wait" - Tait (cheesy, but a nice screaming "I'LL WAIT FOR YOU!")
-"Waited All My Life" - Raul Midon (if you don't know this guy check him out, blind fingerstyle guitarist, very talented vocalist too)
-"Waiting For The World To Fall" - Jars of Clay (written for Narnia)
-"Waiting For You" - Ben Harper (fits well with waiting for a baby)
-"Waiting on an Angel" - Ben Harper
-"Waiting on Your Love" - Justin McRoberts
-"Waiting Room" - Shane & Shane
OK, thats it, hope those help your playlist grow Andy.
A personal favorite, which we listened to in the hospital for our daughter's birth:
"Waiting to Happen" by Marillion
(which I'm prety sure was folowed by Yes' "Onward", which the nurse ACTUALLY RECOGNIZED! Pretty cool IMHO)
Have you read "The Right To Be Wrong" by Kevin Seamus Hasson? Not short, or fiction, but easily digestible in small bits.
JeffH -
I *did* laugh when I saw your suggestion. Out loud. At work. It was fun.
Danzilla -
Onward? Your nurse recognized a song from Tormato? I would say that is *very* cool IMHO. I had forgotten that song, had to look up the lyrics - and then the entire song came flooding back into my head. I s'pose I need to actually get Tormato in some format other than vinyl...
I don't think my wife would've particularly appreciated Yes and Marillion in the delivery room, though... 80's pop rock, instrumentals, hymns, and bluegrass would've all been OK... :-)
Just saw the Behold the Lamb of God tour last night (and bought the t-shirt... and 3 cds). The only thing that could have made it better was a showing by Andy Osenga, but I guess you got your priorities right. Hope Alison is doing well and the baby comes without much trouble (met Jill Phillips and she said as of last night the baby hadnt come). Also, thought I would say that I got asked three times if I worked for you because when I was standing at the merch table and people would pick up your CD I would lean over and say "that guy isnt here but his CD is phenomenal" (it was Photographs because they ran out of The Morning). Keep on keepin on.