
My family is asleep and I think we're ready. I'm off the road now, the bags are packed, directions on what to feed Ella are printed out and magnetized to the fridge. We're ready to have another baby.
We went to the doctor today and he said everything was going well. We have another appointment scheduled for Monday, but he doubts we'll need it.
We've all been sick, but it feels like it's clearing up. I'd like at least half a day of feeling semi-normal before the craziness begins, but that's my only request.
I still don't think Ella really gets what's going on. She knows to point to Mommy's belly when we ask where the baby is, and often she'll try to score a couple extra cute points by kissing it, but I have a feeling she's going to be a bit surprised.
She loves babies, though, so I think she'll get into it. I mean, she's going to have to. She knows every book that has a picture of a baby in it. She picks them up to flip through, find the picture, say "bay-beeeee" and move on to the next book.
We gave her a doll that does some realistic baby things. You put its bottle to its mouth and it "drinks" it and then burps. Then I laugh, cause that's just weird and hilarious, and Ella laughs too, and then I tickle her and hug her.
She runs everywhere now. All the time. The pitter-patter of tiny feet. That's up there with a Les Paul through an AC30 on the list of greatest sounds ever. And Mark Knopfler playing a Strat.
Andy Gullahorn used his wife Jill, as well as his website, (see the fifth opinion on this page) to hook my sweet wife on a new form of TV crack: The Gilmore Girls.
Alison informed me she learned last night that the plural of cul-de-sac is culs-de-sac. Weird. She finished the fourth season last night. The Buells have season 6. She's in need of number 5. If you have it, don't deprive the pregnant lady. Mind if we, um, er, she borrows it?
Well, that's about it for here at our house. Hope you folks in Augusta, KS enjoyed the AP Christmas show tonight. I have no doubt it was spectacular. I'm off to get a little sleep.
STT: 786,770
We went to the doctor today and he said everything was going well. We have another appointment scheduled for Monday, but he doubts we'll need it.
We've all been sick, but it feels like it's clearing up. I'd like at least half a day of feeling semi-normal before the craziness begins, but that's my only request.
I still don't think Ella really gets what's going on. She knows to point to Mommy's belly when we ask where the baby is, and often she'll try to score a couple extra cute points by kissing it, but I have a feeling she's going to be a bit surprised.
She loves babies, though, so I think she'll get into it. I mean, she's going to have to. She knows every book that has a picture of a baby in it. She picks them up to flip through, find the picture, say "bay-beeeee" and move on to the next book.
We gave her a doll that does some realistic baby things. You put its bottle to its mouth and it "drinks" it and then burps. Then I laugh, cause that's just weird and hilarious, and Ella laughs too, and then I tickle her and hug her.
She runs everywhere now. All the time. The pitter-patter of tiny feet. That's up there with a Les Paul through an AC30 on the list of greatest sounds ever. And Mark Knopfler playing a Strat.
Andy Gullahorn used his wife Jill, as well as his website, (see the fifth opinion on this page) to hook my sweet wife on a new form of TV crack: The Gilmore Girls.
Alison informed me she learned last night that the plural of cul-de-sac is culs-de-sac. Weird. She finished the fourth season last night. The Buells have season 6. She's in need of number 5. If you have it, don't deprive the pregnant lady. Mind if we, um, er, she borrows it?
Well, that's about it for here at our house. Hope you folks in Augusta, KS enjoyed the AP Christmas show tonight. I have no doubt it was spectacular. I'm off to get a little sleep.
STT: 786,770
Reader Comments (12)
(looks around to see if anyone's looking) yes.... uhh.... ahem. i have season 5 of the gilmore girls. there. i've said it. if you desire to borrow said items, they're here for you. But then again, when have Lauralie and Rory ever NOT been there for you, huh?
Wow, congratulations! I'm sitting here listening to your album at 3 in the morning, praying that God will give you a healthy baby and mom, and that everything goes well.
My baby girl just started walking too. :) It's a totally new experience to see her poke her little head around the corner and smile at me. She looks so much like her daddy...and my grandfather. I'm so thankful that God gives us these threads to our future and our past.
I'll be buying your album as soon as I get some cash........
Lots of Love,
The hard-working, night-shifting, grad-schooling Young family.
don't be ashamed about loving Gilmore. Its one of the wittiest shows I've ever seen.
And when we got married, I definitely got Steve hooked on it.
Embrace this addiction. Its a good one!
I have thus far managed to avoid the crack that is Gilmore Girls, but I dunno how long I"ll be able to hold out. :-) I'll try to remember to give the Gullahorns grief about it when I see them at the concert tomorrow night in Omaha. I'll miss your presence there, though.
It's a good feeling to be ready and just waiting, isn't it? You have the calendar clear and everything set, and you can just sit back for a day or two (hopefully not more than that, for Alison's sake!) and rest and wait.
Blessings on you and your family!
Good luck with everything.
Make sure you get some hospital jello while you are there. It calms the nerves!
P.S. Don't get green----yuck.
When I'm at home, I like to sit in the living room and make fun of "Gilmore Girls" while my three little sisters watch it, but really I'm sitting there because I like to watch it too. I know, I am a hypocrite - a hopelessly addicted hypocrite.
My solution to the Gilmore Girls: I don't have cable. I don't even have all the free channels. :-) Congratulations on almost having another baby. I have been and will continue to pray!
We're praying for you guys Andy... for a smooth labor and delivery and a smooth transition for Ella.
I watched an episode of Gilmore Girls once.
I was eating alone in a restaurant and the girls who worked there (it wasn't busy at all) asked if I minded them leaving it on. Knowing Jill's fascination for it, I told them to leave it on.
I could literally feel my IQ dropping while I was watching the show. I lasted 20 minutes. It was quite possibly the worst 20 minutes of my life.
you should write about how Grey's Anatomy has the same effect on guys. Their wives/girlfriends start watching it, and then the guys find themselves watching it, and ENJOYING IT, when they're home with their wife when it's on.
Not, of course, that this has happened to me.......I mean, really. :)
No, seriously ... the show goes downhill [or it did for me] starting in Season Five. It's finally improving this year, but man.
And ... I could scare it up for you. And talk about it with you both for HOURS AND HOURS on your couch. And then hook you on Vernoica Mars, which is far awesomer if you like noir detective stuff.
Awefully quiet around here. Baby yet?