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shedding some wood

So one of Cliff and Danielle's daughters got really sick earlier this week and we had to postpone the "official" studio time that had been scheduled this week. It's been cool, though, Todd, Garett and I have been working over and over the songs we have now, and are doing some more thought-out demos now. My cousin Dean has been playing some bass to help us out and Randall has been in and out covering Cliff's parts. These songs are going to be so fun to play live (and hopefully on the radio...).

All right, lunch break is over, back to work. Sorry for yesterday's joke clip. But come on, I can't make it that easy now, can I? Rest assured, fine AndyLanders, you will be the first to hear anything, it just probably won't be this week (or next...) I've got a bit of video I'll try to iMovie and post in the next few days, though. Thanks for wanting to hear it!!

Reader Comments (2)

haha, it was a good joke on us AndyLanders... I was thinking today it would be sorta cool to make this upcoming record available on vinyl if its all meant out to be. It would give it a retro feel.

November 15, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterchuck

vinyl? no... cassette tape... ;)

November 16, 2006 | Unregistered Commentertk

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