
It's only quarter after midnight, but I am so beat. Just a quick update for the week. I've been at Paul Eckberg's house all week, where he just finished building his drum studio. We recorded drums and bass with he and Aaron Sands on both Greg Adkins' and Kevin Lawson's records. Paul also played a track for Chris Mason's EP and threw down some love on my new tune "white dove" after the sessions were over. We had a great time. Paul's new place is killer and we got great sounds. Aaron and I actually went to the same high school, but never met until years later here in Nashville. We got to know each other while I was touring with Jars of Clay and he was playing bass with them. Both great guys and we had a lot of fun. Now we're back at my studio and tomorrow will be working with Greg Adkins again, starting the guitars and keyboards.
In other news, The BBC version of the Office is amazing. I'm only four episodes into it, but I've watched that fourth episode five times. I can't stop. I'm going to Houston for two days this weekend. Caedmon's will be a part of Second Baptist's Missions Weekend. We'll be putting in a few appearances on the behalf of the Dalit Freedom Network. Speaking of, I just put some gear up on Ebay, and they have a new option where a portion of your final price can go to a charity. So part of all my auctions is going to Dalit Freedom Network. I was pretty excited to see they were a part of it.
Other than that, I go to the toe doctor again in the morning. We'll see how I'm shaping up. I'm getting around a lot better these days. I don't think of it unless I'm walking a good distance, on stairs, or at the end of the day. Oh, and last weekend, Garett wheel-chaired me through Midway Airport in Chicago. That was fun.
My dear, sweet wife is having an interesting week trying to teach our daughter how to nap. Unfortunately, we think Ella has some of her father's insomnia and she doesn't like taking naps during the day. Alison has been great, putting her on a nice, tight schedule so she'll get in the habit of sleeping an hour or two every three hours. It's pretty grueling for Alison, though, and I hope I'm more of a help than a hindrance when I get off work and want to be with both of them. It's so amazing watching this new side of my wife develop. Even though it's really tough and tiring, she's such a natural and is so patient and loving with Ella, and it's incredible to watch. And for those of you who've had babies, we think Ella has started "finding her hands" this week, and that's been a blast to watch. "Hey, look at that thing! If I try really hard I can make it hit that other thing! This is so cool! I should stick it in my mouth!"
Well, I'm obviously too tired to be writing. Hopefully I'll see a few of you in Houston, you'll all go bid on my ebay stuff and we'll all have nice, restful weekends and easy slack-off Friday afternoons. Sleep well...
In other news, The BBC version of the Office is amazing. I'm only four episodes into it, but I've watched that fourth episode five times. I can't stop. I'm going to Houston for two days this weekend. Caedmon's will be a part of Second Baptist's Missions Weekend. We'll be putting in a few appearances on the behalf of the Dalit Freedom Network. Speaking of, I just put some gear up on Ebay, and they have a new option where a portion of your final price can go to a charity. So part of all my auctions is going to Dalit Freedom Network. I was pretty excited to see they were a part of it.
Other than that, I go to the toe doctor again in the morning. We'll see how I'm shaping up. I'm getting around a lot better these days. I don't think of it unless I'm walking a good distance, on stairs, or at the end of the day. Oh, and last weekend, Garett wheel-chaired me through Midway Airport in Chicago. That was fun.
My dear, sweet wife is having an interesting week trying to teach our daughter how to nap. Unfortunately, we think Ella has some of her father's insomnia and she doesn't like taking naps during the day. Alison has been great, putting her on a nice, tight schedule so she'll get in the habit of sleeping an hour or two every three hours. It's pretty grueling for Alison, though, and I hope I'm more of a help than a hindrance when I get off work and want to be with both of them. It's so amazing watching this new side of my wife develop. Even though it's really tough and tiring, she's such a natural and is so patient and loving with Ella, and it's incredible to watch. And for those of you who've had babies, we think Ella has started "finding her hands" this week, and that's been a blast to watch. "Hey, look at that thing! If I try really hard I can make it hit that other thing! This is so cool! I should stick it in my mouth!"
Well, I'm obviously too tired to be writing. Hopefully I'll see a few of you in Houston, you'll all go bid on my ebay stuff and we'll all have nice, restful weekends and easy slack-off Friday afternoons. Sleep well...
Reader Comments (4)
[Have you ever thought that being married to you was practice for having a kid? ;)]
I would pay good money---to the DFN---for photos of Garett running through a crowded airport with you in a wheelchair, guitar in hand, jamming. That would be classic.
Say hi to Eckberg for me [as if he remembers me from the two times we've hung out].
Ah, the good ole' finding your hands stage...good times. Your fingers never taste as good after that stage. Have you guys considered reading Ella English grammar to help her fall asleep? She probably has no idea what you're reading her, but I'm pretty sure there's a nyquilesque-quality to listening to someone talk about grammatical nuances.
I am tired
You're so beautiful...
is there something I can be
more than some passing....
Man, i need to pull out that MP3. I've totally forgotten the words.
I'm tired and job-less, sleepy and hopeless...
Sad and hateful, mad and loving...
Not the words to a song, that's just how I feel right now!