Friday Afternoon

Just a quick post before my battery runs out. We're finishing our day on Andy P's record right now. He's been playing acoustic guitar all day, and doing some mighty fancy stuff, I might add. I'm honestly impressed by his playing and the parts he's written for this album. Way more intricate than anything we've done in a while, and he's getting a workout today. Good stuff.
In other news, my brother and his wife are coming down to visit us this weekend, which will be a lot of fun. They haven't met Ella yet, and we're excited for that to happen. Also, Jeff and Mel went to the hospital today to have their baby, so we've been praying for them and waiting for a phone call... Ella's first little friend!
I only got about four hours of sleep last night, so I'm hoping tonight will be better. I think Jason may come over, and maybe Clay and Sarah, so hopefully we'll have some beer and ping-pong, which may sound lame, but is a lot of fun. Also, (very random right now, I know) we have officially named my McPherson guitar "Steve", and my Avalon guitar "Cmdr. Will Riker, as played by Jonathan Frakes." If you get that, you're as nerdy as we are.
In other news, my brother and his wife are coming down to visit us this weekend, which will be a lot of fun. They haven't met Ella yet, and we're excited for that to happen. Also, Jeff and Mel went to the hospital today to have their baby, so we've been praying for them and waiting for a phone call... Ella's first little friend!
I only got about four hours of sleep last night, so I'm hoping tonight will be better. I think Jason may come over, and maybe Clay and Sarah, so hopefully we'll have some beer and ping-pong, which may sound lame, but is a lot of fun. Also, (very random right now, I know) we have officially named my McPherson guitar "Steve", and my Avalon guitar "Cmdr. Will Riker, as played by Jonathan Frakes." If you get that, you're as nerdy as we are.
Reader Comments (7)
I always thought Riker was kind of a pansy... I'd go for maybe Lt. Cmdr. Data or Capt. Picard.
Too funny. :-)
Hey, Riker had a beard, so he has to be cool! ;)
It's cool to hear that the Millers are ready for it. You got any updates, man? Shoot me an email or somethin'.
i got $20 that says Mee-lah faints.
Chris, you can call Riker a pansy, but he got counselor Troi in the end! ;) Yeah...I'm a nerd too.
i like that the guitar's name includes "as played by jonathon frakes" :lol:. and yes, meelah will faint... i'm thinking twice!
I love that all posts here are about Jonathan Frakes. That alone makes all you people rule.