welcome to the future

So I've never had a blog before, but I thought it might be kind of a good way to both let people know what's going on with me these days, and to help get back into the swing of writing. I've been touring or working on records for so long now that it's been almost a year since I've spent any time writing, something I used to do all the time. Steinbeck "warmed up" each day for the writing of 'East of Eden' by writing an ongoing letter to his friend, the editor of the book. I have a copy of that letter and have been reading for the past few weeks. It's really interesting to hear how the book is changing as he's writing it, and also to see his process. Anyway, this is going to be my version of the same. I have a lot of writing I need to do, songs mostly, and a few magazine pieces, and when I've sat down to work on them I realize how rusty I've gotten.
I'm really excited about the little work I've gotten done on my next solo record. I'm working on Andrew Peterson's new one on a daily basis right now, and any free time I'm having to spend on the new Caedmon's record, but every now and then I've gotten a few moments to fiddle with my own stuff, and it's been really enjoyable. I have a couple goals for this record that are helping me shape it, but they're becoming harder to follow as I go along. Here they are:
1. Not all slow songs!
- I usually do that, and I don't want to get bored of my own album. I've always kind of had a sad streak and I think the tearjerkers facilitate that, but I want to have playing this one live, so it needs to have some kick to it.
2. No starting with acoustic guitar!
- I've always been pegged as this acoustic singer/songwriter, probably because that's usually who I work with, but the truth is, I've maybe played thirty shows my whole life with an acoustic guitar, and hundreds and hundreds of shows on electric guitar with a band. I enjoy getting to work with so many different artists and getting to play different types of music, but I want to try to do something really different on this one. I figure starting with drum loops and keyboards, then adding bass and electric, and THEN doing acoustics might allow me to get into a different space with ALL of those sounds, and hopefully I'll end up somewhere I haven't been before, or at least since I was in the Normals.
3. Don't be sad all the time.
- As this blog will hopefully show over the next little while, I'm a slightly melancholy artsy-fart and I'm used to reveling in some sort of sadness. However, my life is really in a happy place right now. I have a wife who I love completely, a baby daughter who makes up in cuteness what she lacks in ability to sleep through the night, a house in a cute, little neighborhood with a studio full of old gear. I get to play music for a living with people I truly love, and for causes that I really believe in. I don't have any more lame christian record deals where I can't say what I really believe. I'm loved by my Creator, even when I don't believe it, and He continues to provide for my family just what we need when we need it. I really couldn't ask for much more, though I assure you, I do...
Anyway, those are my big rules. I have a few other specific studio rules, which I'll bore you with later, but I figure I should stick to the grander themes for the first entry. Well, I'm going to go and hang out with my family now, but I'll write more later. Thanks for reading this, and I hope you find it interesting and worth your time.
I'm really excited about the little work I've gotten done on my next solo record. I'm working on Andrew Peterson's new one on a daily basis right now, and any free time I'm having to spend on the new Caedmon's record, but every now and then I've gotten a few moments to fiddle with my own stuff, and it's been really enjoyable. I have a couple goals for this record that are helping me shape it, but they're becoming harder to follow as I go along. Here they are:
1. Not all slow songs!
- I usually do that, and I don't want to get bored of my own album. I've always kind of had a sad streak and I think the tearjerkers facilitate that, but I want to have playing this one live, so it needs to have some kick to it.
2. No starting with acoustic guitar!
- I've always been pegged as this acoustic singer/songwriter, probably because that's usually who I work with, but the truth is, I've maybe played thirty shows my whole life with an acoustic guitar, and hundreds and hundreds of shows on electric guitar with a band. I enjoy getting to work with so many different artists and getting to play different types of music, but I want to try to do something really different on this one. I figure starting with drum loops and keyboards, then adding bass and electric, and THEN doing acoustics might allow me to get into a different space with ALL of those sounds, and hopefully I'll end up somewhere I haven't been before, or at least since I was in the Normals.
3. Don't be sad all the time.
- As this blog will hopefully show over the next little while, I'm a slightly melancholy artsy-fart and I'm used to reveling in some sort of sadness. However, my life is really in a happy place right now. I have a wife who I love completely, a baby daughter who makes up in cuteness what she lacks in ability to sleep through the night, a house in a cute, little neighborhood with a studio full of old gear. I get to play music for a living with people I truly love, and for causes that I really believe in. I don't have any more lame christian record deals where I can't say what I really believe. I'm loved by my Creator, even when I don't believe it, and He continues to provide for my family just what we need when we need it. I really couldn't ask for much more, though I assure you, I do...
Anyway, those are my big rules. I have a few other specific studio rules, which I'll bore you with later, but I figure I should stick to the grander themes for the first entry. Well, I'm going to go and hang out with my family now, but I'll write more later. Thanks for reading this, and I hope you find it interesting and worth your time.
Reader Comments (7)
I think I'll dig a little rockin' Osenga album as much as I'll enjoy this fun little Weblog of yours. :D
I'm with Geof. Mix it up a bit, rock out. I will definitely be in line to hear this one. :-)
I'm interested in hearing about your studio-specific stuff. I always enjoy hearing what another small studio operator is doing.
That, and more stealth disco. You can never have too much stealth disco.
I'm with Chris from L.C. I want to hear the studio rules!
Glad to have you blogging, bro. I'm looking forward to seeing how this unfolds.
YES!! I am so glad to hear your voice...well, you know that I mean. The blog looks great and I can't wait to hear what the Lord has done, is doing, and will do in your life.
Much Love Brother.
There might be too much stealth disco were said performers ever to come to Maine. :)