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CC - Houston

I'm down in Houston today, or just North of it, I should say, and we're getting ready to do a Caedmon's show. A guy named Harold was our sound engineer when I joined the band, he's one of the best I've ever worked with, and he's now on staff at this church. He picked us up from the airport and it's been fun to catch up with him again.

I had a day off in Nashville yesterday and it was wonderful. I played with Ella a ton, we went to the library and Target, a trip that is fast becoming a Tuesday evening tradition. Our goal is to get home by 8 so we can put Ella to bed before The Office comes on. Last night did not disappoint. Gotta love a good Christmas party episode. We decorated our tree and got to walk down memory lane looking at our old ornaments and such.

Monday night was our fifth Andrew Peterson Christmas show. It was in Chattanooga and Alison and Ella came out for it. That was great. Going on five days away from my family was rough and it meant a lot to me that they came out. Ben's wife, Beth, and their two kids hopped in Andy's 15-passenger van with Jamie, Andy's wife, and their three kids, with another lady from our church and her son and they all rode out together. Six car seats in one van. Holy cow. Andy's two boys rode the bus back to Nashville that night and Ben and I rode back with our families. Oh, the hedonistic life of a rock and roll band on the road...

The AP shows have thus far all been really amazing. I really respect and admire Andy for the work he did writing those songs and having them tell the story that way that they do. It's an incredible work of art and few songwriters, I think, could pull something like that off. Being a part of it for most of its existence has not really clouded my judgment of just how good it actually is. I'm so honored to get to be a part of it. I don't play with them again until Saturday, which is a bummer. They have to do one show without Garett and I, due to a Caedmon's show that was already scheduled, but Paul Eckberg is going to fill in on drums, so all shall be well.

I guess that's about it for me today. I'm going to try and find some a wireless code or something so I can post this, and then I'll see if I can find a couch somewhere to take a little nap before soundcheck. Oh, the hedonistic life of a... wait, I already said that...

Oh, also, if you, like me, love the show Arrested Development and don't want to see it cancelled, sign this

Reader Comments (9)

That was a great show in Chattanooga.
I think I was parked right next to that van. Did it have a Free the Dalit sticker on the back?

December 7, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterjdbergen

Yep, it was a great concert. Thanks!

December 7, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterStephen

Glad you got to see the family a day early.... enjoy your nap. :-)

December 7, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterChris Hubbs

Good stuff. You ended a paragraph commending AP with a line that made me start singing one of his songs. "And all shall be well, yes all shall be well ..." I'm not sure that was on purpose, but it's very cool nonetheless.
I was going to come see y'all in Houston, but the sleet may have altered my plans. Total bummer.

December 7, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterelijah

Saying it was a great show in Chattanooga would be a tremendous understatement. My wife and I were just in awe.

We wanted to talk to you after the show, but since I haven't really followed your music that closely I didn't know what to say! Of course on the way home we regretted not saying something. Oh well...I'm sure we'll cross paths again someday.

BTW - bought your disc Photograph...has anyone ever told you that you sound kind of like Rufus Wainwright? well...somewhere between Rufus Wainwright and Bill Mallonee in my opinion. :)

December 7, 2005 | Unregistered Commentersilentfool

Chattanooga was a lot of fun. For those who may be wondering, Andrew's "in the round" choices were "the high school band" and "early in the morning".

The Christmas portion was breath taking. What an amazing story!

December 7, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterronzilla

Thanks for an outstanding show in Chattanooga! Loved you with The Normals (I was one of those crazies that cheered for you when you were introduced) and you're still just as awesome! Little factoid to tickle your fancy: I'm engaged to Stuart Winkler, one of your "sheep" while you were a youth pastor in TX some years ago. I'm sure you remember him. =) Have a wonderful day!!

December 7, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterjwink06

I recorded "early in the morning" at the Chattanooga show. here is a link

It was a great show, and I really enjoyed seeing andy and garret with ap. If Caedmon's ever breaks up the Christmas show crew would make a killer band!!

December 7, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterandy

What I'm concerned about here is the destruction of office property.

December 8, 2005 | Unregistered Commenterbmcallister

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