back to the grindstone

Monday, Monday, it's all here... and so am I. Back at Paul's studio. We're leaving my gear here for a couple extra days so Paul can track some stuff in the evening, so I'll be recording the acoustic guitars for Josh Wilson's EP over here. Jeff Pardo, keyboard legend and co-producer of this project, is currently doing some editing, allowing me this precious time to write and say hello.
We had a very full and good weekend. My parents came into town and spent Friday, Saturday and half of Sunday with us. I hope they enjoyed coming down as much as we enjoyed having them visit. Ella just grows up so much every month that she was like a new baby with them this weekend. She's now getting to the point where she can stand up, as long as you're holding onto her. It's so amazing watching her learn how to do all these things.
She had a tough night last night, and it was a long one for both Alison and I. We were somewhat taking turns tending to her, but she probably woke up ten or fifteen times last night. Thus, today is a no-shower, ball-cap, red-eye sort of day...
I got to make a final listen through the new Caedmon's album Friday, to make sure everything was good. It was the first time I'd listened to the whole project at a time, and I must say, I really enjoyed it. It was a weird record. Due to various babies, tours and amputations, the process was very spread out and separated. It was hard to get a gauge on the project as a whole, but sometimes that distance can be a nice buffer, as well. You tend to approach songs differently from one month to the next, and I could hear that as I listened. I was glad the extra time was taken and there were different tracks from different seasons, as it were.
I hope the Caedmon's fans will like it. To me, there's some definite vintage Caedmon's-type stuff on there, as well as a couple of if-radio-doesn't-play-this-it-must-be-personal tunes and, like every record I've done with them, a few gorgeous Danielle moments. She definitely has the stand-out tracks. One of them being Randall Goodgame's "Be Merciful to Me" and the other, "Rest Upon Us," a song Laura Story and I wrote. I was really happy with some of my guitar work on it as well. It's got a lot more electric guitar than is typical for them, but I like that(!). Hopefully it helps to serve the album's vibe, not in a loud or rock n' roll way, but with different tones and melodies. Anyway, the short story here is that I was really pleased with the way it came out, and I hope people find it as pleasant and engaging experience as I did.
In other news, one of my favorite bands, the Cardigans, released a new album last week that is only available in Europe. They're from Sweden and their last record, Long Gone Before Daylight, took over a year and a half to be released in America. I hope that doesn't happen again. That record was, no lie, my favorite record of last year. Honestly, I thought it was better than the new U2. Don't tell Bono... Anyway, if anybody knows how to get a copy, or anybody from Europe reads this and wants to send me an early Christmas present...
And to finish up, I have a great story to tell you. Alison and I are going to a membership class at our church that started this past Thursday. We started out that meeting by splitting into pairs and "interviewing" each other. Then we'd take turns standing up and sharing quickly about the person we had just met. Typical welcome-to-college stuff. So this one guy is talking about this other guy that he met who does some sort of medical history computer documenting stuff, specifically for OB/GYNs. He was like "Blanketey Blank has been in Nashville for eight years, he is married and has two kids, and knows a lot about junior colleges." To which the person being talked about replied "that's gynecologists..." Thank you very much!
We had a very full and good weekend. My parents came into town and spent Friday, Saturday and half of Sunday with us. I hope they enjoyed coming down as much as we enjoyed having them visit. Ella just grows up so much every month that she was like a new baby with them this weekend. She's now getting to the point where she can stand up, as long as you're holding onto her. It's so amazing watching her learn how to do all these things.
She had a tough night last night, and it was a long one for both Alison and I. We were somewhat taking turns tending to her, but she probably woke up ten or fifteen times last night. Thus, today is a no-shower, ball-cap, red-eye sort of day...
I got to make a final listen through the new Caedmon's album Friday, to make sure everything was good. It was the first time I'd listened to the whole project at a time, and I must say, I really enjoyed it. It was a weird record. Due to various babies, tours and amputations, the process was very spread out and separated. It was hard to get a gauge on the project as a whole, but sometimes that distance can be a nice buffer, as well. You tend to approach songs differently from one month to the next, and I could hear that as I listened. I was glad the extra time was taken and there were different tracks from different seasons, as it were.
I hope the Caedmon's fans will like it. To me, there's some definite vintage Caedmon's-type stuff on there, as well as a couple of if-radio-doesn't-play-this-it-must-be-personal tunes and, like every record I've done with them, a few gorgeous Danielle moments. She definitely has the stand-out tracks. One of them being Randall Goodgame's "Be Merciful to Me" and the other, "Rest Upon Us," a song Laura Story and I wrote. I was really happy with some of my guitar work on it as well. It's got a lot more electric guitar than is typical for them, but I like that(!). Hopefully it helps to serve the album's vibe, not in a loud or rock n' roll way, but with different tones and melodies. Anyway, the short story here is that I was really pleased with the way it came out, and I hope people find it as pleasant and engaging experience as I did.
In other news, one of my favorite bands, the Cardigans, released a new album last week that is only available in Europe. They're from Sweden and their last record, Long Gone Before Daylight, took over a year and a half to be released in America. I hope that doesn't happen again. That record was, no lie, my favorite record of last year. Honestly, I thought it was better than the new U2. Don't tell Bono... Anyway, if anybody knows how to get a copy, or anybody from Europe reads this and wants to send me an early Christmas present...
And to finish up, I have a great story to tell you. Alison and I are going to a membership class at our church that started this past Thursday. We started out that meeting by splitting into pairs and "interviewing" each other. Then we'd take turns standing up and sharing quickly about the person we had just met. Typical welcome-to-college stuff. So this one guy is talking about this other guy that he met who does some sort of medical history computer documenting stuff, specifically for OB/GYNs. He was like "Blanketey Blank has been in Nashville for eight years, he is married and has two kids, and knows a lot about junior colleges." To which the person being talked about replied "that's gynecologists..." Thank you very much!
Reader Comments (8)
Can't wait for the new Caedmon's album. I hope it is successful so that you guys can make another STW typw album. That album is the best and most important album Caedmon's has made IMO.
I have B&O railroad if you need it. Drop me an email:
U2's new record last year wasn't very good...especially following "All That You Can't Leave Behind." Can't wait to hear the new Cardigans!
Andy, order the record through i'm ordering my through there, it cost a bit more (exchange rate and all) but not too much, it's well worth it. here's the link...
there's another version that has a dvd but it may not play over here unless you have a region free dvd player. also, i agree... that cardigans record was probably my favorite of all last year. the guitars on there are just killer.
I hope the new caedmons is good. I'm looking forward to it.
PS i won't tell Bono this weekend when i see them in dallas
YEAH!!!!!!(my first time to see U2 live... i'm a little excited)
I live in FL and today was our first "cold" day. I don't know if 70 degrees counts as cold for anyone else, but it's much nicer than 90. Anyways, it's cold, and it was time to break out the normals records again. Autumn is always the best time to listen to Andy and the Normals.
Glad to hear that the new Caedmon's album is wrapped up, and that you are satisfied with it (helps if the musicians believe in their work). Now, why do we have to wait so long for it to come out? April, I think? Patience, patience...
If Danielle has some of the best songs (and I think she had some amazing moments on STW, and Back Home also) make sure that they get sung at the concerts!!! I know that there is now a big catalog of songs from which to pull, and something will always get left out... but she's great so use her to the fullest!
Hmmm... any chance she'll pop over for at least a backing vocal on your solo project?
Did you recieve my reply email? If so I hope i gave you the right info on the gamepiece.. not being a player of the game i may have missed some info that you needed.
Sorry about the initial mixup with Penn... I really am
Andy, thanks for the tip on the Cardigans. I'm listening to some of their stuff right now, and it's awesome! Any time you have more music recommendations, feel free to share. :-)