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Entries from August 1, 2007 - August 31, 2007


Nashville Tuesday Night

That's right, I'm playing a sort-of last-minute Nashville show Tuesday night at 12th and Porter. I'll have a full band so the rock will be brung, er, broughten, er, um.... ROCKED. I'm going on last, probably in the 10 o'clock hour, so bring it on late nighters!! Green River Ordinance is a great band, I've played with a few times before. They're from Ft. Worth. You should definitely check them out.

Also, Monday night I'll be playing with Matthew Perryman Jones at The Rutledge. Katie Herzig, K.S. Rhoads and Kate York will be playing that night as well. It's a benefit for RAINN, so let's have great back-to-back crowds. Hope you're having a great weekend.

Chris Koelle Rules.

Christopher Koelle of Portland Studios has done the artwork for my two full-length solo albums, as well as a ton of way more impressive stuff. He has a t-shirt design currently in a contest and you should GO HERE and vote for him.

The design is based off of a work he did a few years ago called "Rescue". This design was also the basis for the cover of my album "The Morning". It's an amazingly powerful piece and a pretty kicking shirt. Wish I had them to sell myself! Here's the shirt. Go vote.


deep water

10 PM. 94Ëš outside. Nashville thinks its Halloween and its dressing up like Phoenix.

Nine years ago I spent most of my time in a van with a few of my young friends, driving around the country playing songs, learning what it means to be a band. In the parking lot of a Red Roof Inn a guy named Tim gave me his beat-up copy of a cd of some of his friends, Don and Lori. He had the cover, but not the case, so the yellow and green cover with the handwritten "Sink or Swim" was forever housed in red plastic. It will always have that reddish tint to me.

I borrowed a portable cd player (I have never owned one) and some headphones and listened. It was very raw and heartfelt, rough around more than just the edges, but obviously done with care. The songs spoke out to me in a language I wasn't aware I knew. It was a whole new way of thinking about songs.

Priests laying dead, the ring down at the riverside, I know the plans I have for you... Dark but hopeful stories with these Old Testament allusions thrown in all over the place. Not "the sea tore apart like two buildings across streets" but "the buildings stood apart like the walls of the sea..." (I should use that). It was an entirely different way of writing, of telling the story of Jesus and redemption and it changed my life.

Changing the way I looked at songs meant I had to change how I wrote. The first steps were awkward, as first steps must be, but I got (am getting) the hang of it after a while. If I'm any good at all it's due largely to their influence and inspiration.

I became obsessed with this band. I got Cason obsessed with this band. We hounded our manager and booking agent until we got to open a tour for them. Got to know them. They were what we needed them to be. Honest, human, loving and weird. We were too awe-struck to really become friends then, but the years passed, we stayed in touch, somehow they turned into regular people and friends we became.

I had a great day with my daughters today. I popped in for a few minutes this afternoon between meetings and Sadie pulled up for the first time (and then the second) right then. I came home again later and Ella was so glad to see me. "I'm happy now," she told me after my first minute home.

Tonight my wife, my daughters and a room full of friends gathered because those old friends were in town for a few days. I sat back and watched my old inspiration playing and laughing with my new inspiration.

What a true joy and honor it is to become friends with your heroes. It is, by far, one of the greatest things about the path I've gone down.

A few weeks ago I got a copy of a new collection of their songs. The first they've done in many, many years. It's as great as the early records, maybe better. (It's hard to tell because, in large part due to them, I don't hear music like I did back then.) But I know it's great and have enjoyed listening to it immensely. It's now available here at their site and here on iTunes. I honestly hope one person reads this and finds them a tenth as inspiring as I did nine years ago.

Advance praise for Overdressed


That's right. The release of the new Caedmon's Call album "Overdressed" is just a few weeks away! Let's hear what some folks are saying...


“So Derek’s back, huh? Then who’s been hanging around in that Robin suit for the past few months?�

- Batman


“This record makes me proud to be a Texasite.�

- George W. Bush


“It was really great to see how the work I did so many years ago on albums like "R.I.O.T." and "The Champion" have inspired Caedmon’s to greater heights and theatrics. I’m so excited I might have to make another boxing movie.�

- Carman


“I like this album. Great songs, really, just great. What are you going to do for a cove… hey! Come back with that!!�

- Adam


I have all the answers

I've taken the last few days to lay low and hang out with the girls. It's been great. Friday was Alison and my 5th wedding anniversary. Very cool.

Also on Friday, I got some staples and assorted other goodies removed from my neck. Good reports: All is well. The lump was totally benign and I don't have to go back in for any more checkups. Thanks for your continued prayers and e-mails. They meant more than you can know.

Anyway, long story short, and because I have a two-year old, Friday night I ended up in a very fancy restaurant with a Curious George band-aid on my neck just barely covered by the collar on my shirt. What can I say? I'm just a classy guy.

Normally, a few days with the family would involve a lot of playing outside, but I'm still recovering from the surgery AND it's freaking hot outside. Too hot, actually, for human life to exist. I'm fairly certain.

SO we stayed inside. And I looked at a lot of gear on the internet. My favorite three eHaunts were G&L guitars, Cascade Microphones (I bought a "FatHead"), and Karma mics.

I also watched the movie Serenity, which was the major motion picture finale to the series "Firefly" that I watched while I was laid up last weekend. I've decided that I wish more shows, at least the action/adventure/mystery type, would get cancelled early on, and then get the chance to make a movie. "Alias" was good, then it got awful. "LOST" has teetered. I've heard that "X-Files" was that way, too.

I think that TV shows that build up their own mythology can be so awesome, but it's easy for them to crash under their own weight. With "Firefly" they had just enough to get the questions going, though one more season would have made it better, then they got the time and money to sew it all up and with big special effects and the ability to kill off major characters. Win-win.

Well, at least Win for the audience. Not so much the actors and writers and crew. But we get closure without the convolution. "Heroes" should do this. One more season then a movie.

Trust me, people. I'm in Caedmon's Call; I'm always right.

And "Freaks and Geeks" should just come back on for ten more years.