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Entries from April 1, 2008 - April 30, 2008


Montel, I couldn't be happier with the new me!

I was on the elliptical machine at the YMCA here in Kokomo, IN today. I was listening to the new Counting Crows record on my ipod while the tv in front of me was tuned to the Montel Williams show. The closed captioning was on so I could read the conversation as I worked out.

This particular episode was about "regular" people changing their lives "for the better" with plastic surgery. Everyone he talked to A) looked really unnatural and weird and B) had spent at least $40,000 for this "improvement".

As I was working out to burn off a few pounds I don't need, I watched these people, proud of their "accomplishments". The irony was overwhelming and incredibly disturbing.

America, maybe this little recession isn't enough. Maybe a purpose-less war and a giant national debt aren't enough. We are praising people for spending tens of thousands of dollars to temporarily reverse the effects of their gluttony, in a world where millions of children starve to death each year.

For the cost of one of these people's plastic surgery, 104 kids could be sponsored through Compassion for a year. For $40,000, seven children can be sponsored from the age of 3 until the age of 18. That's 15 years of food, education, housing and health care.

Would you like some fries with that?

"When Will I Run" live


Sunday Afternoon

It's a clear and chilly Sunday afternoon. The girls are taking naps, they're both so tired from church that they went down quickly, sweetly, and without a fuss. Alison's out to lunch with friends.

The house is a rare quiet for a few moments. I've done a lot of sitting this weekend, mostly from behind the wheel of the car, North to Chicago, back South towards home. Somehow, all that sitting has left me tired, too. (Or it could be that it was Alison's and my turn with the 2-3 year olds this morning...)

I love that the studio is three miles away and the last show is 500. There are a million things that need to be done, but none right this moment. So I'm going to take a nap while I can.

Usually I read before I fall asleep. Today I'm just going to listen to the quiet and know that it's the quiet of the lives that are here now. Someday, it will be the quiet of the lives that are gone; off to school, to college, to husbands...

I'll have plenty of time to read then.

On a Naperville Night

Well, last night was a pretty great night. The show with Jeremy and Eric was really fun. We went in a big round, two songs at a time, and each ended up playing seven tunes. I'm such a fan of my friends and it was great to be able to just jump in and sing along here and there, and have them do that for me.

I brought the Jazzmaster and a Memory Man and that was extra fun, as well, and nice to have another texture besides the acoustic guitar. I'm really digging this guitar, in a major way. (Did anybody get a good picture?)

After the show we walked two blocks to Giordano's pizza, a Chicago-land staple. We invited everybody from the show and ended up hanging with 15 or 20 or so folks and just had a good time.

Came back to the hotel, watched last night's The Office, which was painfully hilarious, and then got wonderful un-baby-interrupted slumber. Once I hit the "post" button here we're going to pile back in Alison's car (which she was so kind to let me take this weekend) and head back home. As great as it is to be out playing music with friends, it'll be good to get back.

A drive with old friends

In a hotel just North of Indianapolis. I'm with Eric and Jeremy, on our way to our show tonight at the Union in Naperville, IL.

Each the father of a 14 or 16 month old baby, we took the opportunity to sleep in. It was awesome.

The boys are talking about Jackson Browne and we're about to hit the road to get the rest of the way to Chicagoland. Hoping for some good pizza after the show tonight. If you're anywhere near (or you're Chris Hubbs) we hope to see you tonight!