Montel, I couldn't be happier with the new me!

I was on the elliptical machine at the YMCA here in Kokomo, IN today. I was listening to the new Counting Crows record on my ipod while the tv in front of me was tuned to the Montel Williams show. The closed captioning was on so I could read the conversation as I worked out.
This particular episode was about "regular" people changing their lives "for the better" with plastic surgery. Everyone he talked to A) looked really unnatural and weird and B) had spent at least $40,000 for this "improvement".
As I was working out to burn off a few pounds I don't need, I watched these people, proud of their "accomplishments". The irony was overwhelming and incredibly disturbing.
America, maybe this little recession isn't enough. Maybe a purpose-less war and a giant national debt aren't enough. We are praising people for spending tens of thousands of dollars to temporarily reverse the effects of their gluttony, in a world where millions of children starve to death each year.
For the cost of one of these people's plastic surgery, 104 kids could be sponsored through Compassion for a year. For $40,000, seven children can be sponsored from the age of 3 until the age of 18. That's 15 years of food, education, housing and health care.
Would you like some fries with that?
This particular episode was about "regular" people changing their lives "for the better" with plastic surgery. Everyone he talked to A) looked really unnatural and weird and B) had spent at least $40,000 for this "improvement".
As I was working out to burn off a few pounds I don't need, I watched these people, proud of their "accomplishments". The irony was overwhelming and incredibly disturbing.
America, maybe this little recession isn't enough. Maybe a purpose-less war and a giant national debt aren't enough. We are praising people for spending tens of thousands of dollars to temporarily reverse the effects of their gluttony, in a world where millions of children starve to death each year.
For the cost of one of these people's plastic surgery, 104 kids could be sponsored through Compassion for a year. For $40,000, seven children can be sponsored from the age of 3 until the age of 18. That's 15 years of food, education, housing and health care.
Would you like some fries with that?