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When I first heard of co-writing I could literally not have imagined anything more terrifying.  "You sit in a room with a stranger and share your deepest thoughts with them?  No, thanks."

Years, and many songs, later, I've grown to really enjoy co-writing.  There's an openness and honesty intrinsic to the process that is really cool, and it's great to have someone help you when you get stuck on something.  Or to be able to help them.

Having been a writer for a few different publishing companies here in Nashville, I've been blessed with being able to build great relationships with folks looking for songs, and have learned a ton from spending time in rooms with other great writers.

I try to regularly carve out time each month to co-write.  If you're interested in having me help write for a project please contact me and we can try to figure something out.

Also, I love to help artists and bands help get songs ready for a project.  You can call it pre-production or song consulting, but folks come to the studio and we take their songs apart, tighten the nuts and bolts, sand off rough edges, and try to really bring out the best parts of the songs.  It's one of my favorite things to do, and I strongly believe it's a really helpful process.  Just contact me for rates and questions.